When swapping Layer settings between various Animation Layers on a Linked Anim Layer node, the node can become stuck in one state. The node will become stuck in the Linked Anim Layer state and canno ...
A UDN reported various crashes at exit in the embedded Python library. I was able to repro the issue in Release-5.1 and trace it back at the point where python runs its garbage collection in Py_Fina ...
This problem is caused by an incorrect calculation of the number of chunks in the read request. Here is the workaround applied by the licensee : int64 FSignedArchiveReader::PrecacheChunks(TArray<F ...
Cache Mode: record seems to simulate fine, in Cache Mode: Play, the object does not simulate fracturing Repro Rate: 5/5 ...
This is not a regression. Tested In: //UE5/Release-5.0 CL20979098 Actors move around between keyed points in a Sequencer while Zooming in/out of the Timeline if a Cine Camera is possessed in the S ...
FLineBatcherSceneProxy doesn't implement the custom depth in its GetViewRelevance function. Something like Result.bRenderCustomDepth = ShouldRenderCustomDepth(); is missing in that function. ...
Under certain conditions, dragging an anim notify to the left in the editor makes it unplayable UDN case : [Link Removed] ...
Outputs on composed nodes are not animating. [Image Removed] ...