When deleting and replacing the atmospheric fog with another atmospheric fog there will be a noticeable artifact near the sun disc from the SkySphere. Image attached. Tested in 4.11 stream CL-28 ...
When a graphical mesh is used to create a lower LOD for cloth assets and the Cloth FBX has the APB assigned to the material for the cloth there will be a crash. ...
When you turn off 'Supports Open GLES2' from the iOS settings and package a game with 'Support Forward Rendering with Metal (A7 and up devices)' the textures/materials are stretched across the objec ...
When deploying a template project to the devices listed below, there is an issue with the mobile HDR being checked on. It is causing the project to show either black or static like. Devices tested ...
The editor crashes if you implement two blueprint interfaces in an actor blueprint, and then an actor component blueprint. These interfaces must have at least one function that returns a value. The ...
When using a single FBX with multiple meshes that is imported as individual meshes, if you reimport after updating only a single mesh or a few of them the entirety of FBX will be imported and added ...
When a hot reload is preformed, the CDO is not properly cleared. This causes a copy of the class to be generated with both the original and copy triggering calls. Workaround: Preforming an additio ...
The reroute node is throwing an error why you try to using it with a Texture Object Parameter. It works just fine without the reroute node so the workaround is simple enough. ...
In the Material editor for when working with a Post Process Material, the material does not appear in the preview window. Regression: This issue does not occur in 4.15.2 Binary Builds ...
A licensee is reporting incorrect or over exaggerated loss of specularity on the Subsurface skin shading model when shadowed by indirect capsule shadows, and then modifying the r.sss.checkerboard se ...