MoviePipeline: ExecutorJob UserData field lost on Queue Load

UE - Anim - Sequencer - MRQ - Jan 6, 2023

I didn't check with the debugger, but I suspect this is caused by: void UMoviePipelineExecutorJob::OnDuplicated_Implementation() { UserData = FString(); When the queue is loaded, each job is dupl ...

Mismatch of light position and PerObjectProjectedShadows

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 23, 2024

Per-Object shadows cast by a stationary point light do not appear in the correct place on movable geometry. ...

Switching to SM4 with LPVs active crashes Editor

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 18, 2015

Switching to SM4 when you have LPVs active in a project will crash a project. Also reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2589716 and 4.8.0 Launcher [Link Removed] ...

Ensure triggered by level blueprint when Play as Listen Server is set

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 14, 2015

When Editor Multiplayer Mode is set to Play As Listen Server the editor will trigger a breakpoint on exiting PIE if any event is ran though the level blueprint ...

Splitting a struct in an Anim Blueprint does not work

OLD - Anim - Mar 23, 2015

In an Anim BP, splitting the transform structs of a Transform (Modify) Bone node causes the node to be come non functional. Transform components must be combined in order for the node to work. EX ...

Custom Blend Graph cleared after switching Blend Logic

OLD - Anim - Apr 15, 2015

User is not happy that the Custom Blend Logic Graph is cleared out if you accidentally switch the Blend Logic back to Standard ...

Implementing an interface in a blueprint does not show interface functions until interface is opened and compiled

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 3, 2015

If an interface is implemented within a blueprint, the initial function in the blueprint interface cannot be called in the actor. The function will be populated after compiling the blueprint interfa ...

Foliage does not spawn on Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh Components

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Jul 3, 2015

Foliage does not spawn on Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh Components ...

Landscape Physical Material always registers default

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 7, 2015

Physical materials on landscapes always return DefaultPhysicalMaterial, even when the surface type is changed. ...

Reflections Appear Black

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 13, 2015

Adding Screen Space reflections to a Translucent Material Causes black reflections. Sometimes the reflections are completely white and do not change when changing the intensity of the lighting. [L ...