Physics actor with physics toggled will fall through static meshes set to Movable

UE - Gameplay - Jul 20, 2016

Physics actor with physics toggled will fall through static meshes set to Movable User Description: Basically, what this project does is enable simulate physics on the black cube in the middle, th ...

Can't PIE or Save: Editor gets into odd state when editing parameters.

Tools - Jul 20, 2016

I've seen this happen in other areas of the editor as well: Data Table fields (floats) for example. Manually typing in numbers to fields seems less prone to this error; using spinners to drag value ...

Add sanitization code surrounding RigidBody + RigidBodyDynamic flags

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jul 20, 2016

PhysX throws warnings (which are escalated to errors) when CCD and Kinematic are in invalid states (they can only be enabled exclusively). The code to fix this has already been submitted, but may c ...

"Failed import for Component" after loading a map

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 20, 2016

It looks like perhaps a load order or circular-dependency type of issue at first glance. Will require further investigation. ...

Bad performance when changing (slider) values for the advanced preview scene

UE - Gameplay - Jul 20, 2016

And yes we do have sliders but the performance is bad when you slide them. ...

User's project crashes after removing widget from the viewport

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jul 19, 2016

The editor appears to crash when a widget is removed from the viewport by another widget ...

HZB Setup Mips taking considerable time in GPU Visualizer

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 19, 2016

HZB Setup Mips in the GPU Visualizer seems to be taking considerable ms in 4.12 and 4.13 compared to 4.11.2. This seems to mostly affect editor/PIE GPU Visualization but looks like it should when ...

Imported animation has one more frame than the original fbx

OLD - Anim - Jul 19, 2016

In UE4.12, imported animation has one more frame than the expected frame number. AS_AN_StepAnim_Test.fbx is 60 frame long animation(starts at frame 0, ends at frame 60). When imported to UE4.12, it ...

Actors animated with sequencer cause "Begin/End Overlap" events to fire every tick

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 18, 2016

Actors animated with sequencer cause "Begin/End Overlap" events to fire every tick while overlapping another actor ...

Crash when creating deferred decal material when using -d3ddebug command line argument to launch editor

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 18, 2016

Discovered this while verifying [Link Removed]. Devs informed me of a command line argument that could be used to output D3D11 debug information and using it caused crashes in both //UE4/Main @ CL 3 ...