When using the Set command to change the value of a class at runtime, the game instance will crash with an access violation. Note: This needs to be done in Standalone or a packaged version for this ...
When using a Destructible Mesh in a bluprint and trying to return the Hit Bone Name will result in "none" being printed. However, using a simply line trace from the individual bone names from a frac ...
An InstancedStaticMesh component set to Stationary doesn't register overlaps. However, overlaps are registered on Static and Movable. There is also an issue where actors that start overlapped with ...
When adding new elements to a Map in blueprints it will return the error "Cannot add a new key to the map while a key with the default value exists". This is because it currently won't increment the ...
Currently, Improved virtual keyboard in Android only receives English characters and special characters. Need support for other languages. Investigate the bug and research what's needed to make IME ...
A Parameterized Vector4 are being treated as Float3. This prevents users from being able to use Vector4s in an If node during runtime. This is seen as far back as //UE4/Release4.22 cl 8065155 so th ...
Cryptomatte implementation only looks at the HActor hitproxy type which is a different type than ISMs which use HInstancedStaticMeshInstance. ...
If a DataTable Asset is created with a Row Structure that contains a member variable of type BodyInstance, the Editor will crash when attempting to open it while it has no rows. It will also crash w ...
Geometry that has its "Shadow Cache Invalidation Behavior" set to "Static" will still draw in the dynamic shadow cache when it is experiencing WPO ...