Setting LOD Group for Foliage wipes previous LOD data

Tools - Feb 4, 2015

If you import a mesh with LODs and assign the LOD Group for Foliage the mesh will import with all appropriate LODs. If you do not select a LOD group and after decide you want to change the LOD Grou ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_UnrealEd!TArray<TScriptDelegate<FWeakObjectPtr>,FDefaultAllocator>::Find() [array.h:784]

UE - Gameplay - Aug 22, 2017

This is a regular crash occurring in 4.17. It may be a regression as there is no immediate evidence of it occurring in prior releases. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions whe ...

Anim sequence in DLC leads to crash in IOS.

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 19, 2020

DLC download is working as expected but opening a map with anim sequence which is located at DLC's pak file will lead to crash in iOS. ...

ChildAnimBP with different skeleton than parent does not show child skeletons anims in AnimGraphOverrides

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Jul 31, 2020

Create a Parent AnimBP, add any animation to it. Then create a childAnimBP from Parent. In ChildAnimBP, go to TargetSkeleton (from class settings) to change a different skeleton. Then go to the Anim ...

Metasounds - Using the Audio Component Play Node with a start timer other than 0 results in the Metasound ceasing to function

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Dec 2, 2021

Metasounds cease functionality if called to Play with a different start time other than 0. This extends to the Metasound editor where pressing play to preview the sound also ceases to function. ...

Duplicating an actor with a blueprint bound delegate behaves unexpectedly

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 15, 2022

When the trigger is duplicated, the contents of its OnActorBeginOverlap MC delegate are copied, which contains a reference to the BP actor that added the binding to the original trigger. Marking th ...

Hitting a breakpoint in widget blueprint while running PIE with Selected Viewport mode blocks entire editor rendering

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Oct 6, 2023

This problem does not occur when running PIE with New Editor Window mode. ...

Audio Does Not Play Back Correctly when entering an Audio Volume with a Submix Send that is PreAttenuation with a Submix using Convolution Reverb

UE - Audio - Oct 24, 2023

Entering an Audio Volume that has a Submix Send set to Pre Distance Attenuation and using a Convolution Reverb causes severe audio glitching. Does not occur if Send is Post Distance Attenuation. Doe ...

Get bounds node for the Steam VR Component Does not appear to return the actual bounds

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 11, 2016

[NickW] This needs to pull the Play Bounds from Vive. The old soft / hard bounds system appears to be partially deprecated The Get bounds node does not appear to return the correct in game chaper ...