Skybox not rendering in packaged project with Vertex Fogging enabled

UE - Platform - XR - Feb 10, 2020

Vertex Fogging setting causes skybox material on large skybox mesh to not be rendered. Confirmation for 4.25 blocked by [Link Removed] ...

Actor attached to child actor fails to serialize as part of map

UE - Gameplay - Components - Nov 3, 2023

Attaching other actors to a child actor (actor spawned by ChildActorComponent) fails to serialize correctly as part of the map. The attached actor loads as detached and resets its position back to w ...

Changing the value of a parent class variable does not update after hot reload

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 4, 2015

When the value of a variable defined in a parent class is changed inside of the child class, the value is not updated in a BP of the child after hot reloading. ...

Transforming inherited component in editor will crash

Tools - Mar 6, 2015

When a component inherited from code is transformed in any way with the viewport controls (arrows, rotation sphere, scale boxes) the editor will crash. Using the value boxes to set the transform do ...

20 FPS performance drop between 4.7.6 and 4.8 on devices rendering Metal only

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 22, 2015

User reported a considerable performance drop on iOS between versions 4.7.6 and 4.8. I was able to reproduce this perf drop using the steps he provided. ...

Post Processing continues to affect Sprites after project setting defaults are disabled and all volumes and cameras' settings are disabled

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 19, 2014

After disabling the defaults in Project Settings > Rendering > Default Postprocessing Settings, disabling all GlobalPostProcessSettings volumes, and setting the Post Process Blend Weight in the play ...

When walking off of angled geometry the player pawn will fall off of the edge horizontally instead of falling

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Nov 26, 2014

When walking off of angled geometry the player pawn will fall off of the edge horizontally instead of falling. Even with all possibly related values changed in the character defaults, the player wi ...

Nested component subobject visualization and defaults editing is not working properly.

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jul 28, 2016

Currently it is only partially possible to edit nested component subobjects, but not in a way that's consistent with how top-level component subobjects are edited (both Blueprints and IWCE). This is ...

BP child not overriding parent's mesh in Nativized builds

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Jan 3, 2017

The mesh on the right is a child of the one on the left, in a non-nativized cooked build it's a sphere, but in a nativized one, it's a cube. Regression: Working: UE4/Main, 4.15 CL 3233043 Broken: U ...

Rotated component made into root displays incorrectly in the blueprint editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 25, 2017

Rotated component made into root displays incorrectly in the blueprint editor. Closing and reopening the BP editor corrects the displayed root component. ...