Real-Time Collision for Spline Mesh Not Working in Packaged Game

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Feb 23, 2016

When attempting to dynamically set the collision of a Spline Mesh component, the collision settings are not kept in a packaged game. Found in 4.10.4. Reproduced in 4.11 Preview 6 and Main CL 28772 ...

CL# 2858947 caused a crash when opening a BP in an existing project

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 23, 2016

The character blueprint is in Content/Sarlack/Characters/SC_BaseCharacter.uasset. This blueprint is a child of a C++ file. Note from the person who sent me the project: "The skeletal meshes I am us ...

InterpToMovement Component Causes Crash During PIE

UE - Gameplay - Feb 23, 2016

When using an InterpToMovement component in a blueprint with the "Auto Update Tick Registration" and "Auto Register Updated Component" options unchecked, PIE will result in a crash. Found in 4.10. ...

Play Media Player Node Causes Blueprint Functions to be Uncallable

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 23, 2016

This only occurs in standalone or a packaged game Having a Play Media Player node in a blueprint causes all of that blueprint's functions to become uncallable. Found in 4.11 Preview 5. Reproduced ...

Connecting a Client to a Server in PIE with Auto Connect to Server disabled will crash the editor

UE - Networking - Feb 22, 2016

Connecting a Client to a Server in PIE with Auto Connect to Server disabled will crash the editor. EDIT: simple test project attached. Make sure Auto Connect to Server is disabled, and PIE with 2 p ...

Typo in the tooltip for the DynamicBranch node results pin

UE - Content - Engine - Feb 22, 2016

The Tooltip for the Results Pin of the DynamicBranch Material node incorrectly says that Color Input 1 will render if the Alpha is greater than 1, but the setup is for greater than 0. [Image Remove ...

UMG: Crash When playing an animation with the Same Name as a Widget

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 22, 2016

Editor crashes when a UMG widget (Text block, whatever) and an animation track share the same name and the animation is played. NOTE: The Editor will not allow you to name a Widget the same as an a ...

Transform gizmo on sockets can become large and unusable

Tools - Feb 19, 2016

Transform gizmo can become huge when using certain meshes to create a socket on. I don't know exactly what's wrong with this mesh, but the transform gizmo isn't expected to go nuts. [Image Removed ...

Skeletal Mesh breaks perspective view in Physics Asset Tool.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 19, 2016

When importing licensee's provided asset the Physics Asset generated will completely break the Perspective View in PhAT. The other orthographic views will work as intended though. The licensee has ...

Format Text nodes and split nodes reporting warning that override pins are removed.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Feb 18, 2016

Fallout from CL# 2865330 for [Link Removed], bleedover of the warning to certain intermediately spawned nodes. ...