Disabling Editor Sounds Doesn't Prevent Compile Sound From Playing

Tools - Nov 10, 2015

Disabling the Editor Sounds under Editor Preferences->Level Editor->Miscellaneous->Sound->Enable Editor Sounds doesn't stop the Compile sound from playing when you click the Compile button in the ed ...

Remove Item Node Removes All Objects in an Array

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 9, 2015

Getting an object from an array at a certain index and then using the Remove Item node causes the entire array to be wiped. Found in 4.10 Preview 4. Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary and Main CL 2752291. ...

Wildcard Array in Macro Causes Error Message to Appear

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 9, 2015

Creating a Macro with a Wildcard Array and then using that macro to accept an array as input and attempting to get the first element causes an error to appear in the output log. In the AnswerHub u ...

Target build folder does not clear when repackaging

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 6, 2015

When repackaging the same project over and over again for HTML5, the Utility.js folder doesn't delete/clear during the repackaging process like it's suppose to. ...

UAIPerceptionStimuliSourceComponent never registers with required senses

UE - AI - Nov 6, 2015

UAIPerceptionStimuliSourceComponent::OnRegister tries to remove nulls from RegisterAsSourceForSenses but the condition in RemoveAllSwap is wrong. It should be SenseClass == nullptr instead. ...

Crash when creating a local variable inside of a collapsed node graph that has been copied

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 5, 2015

If the user creates a function with local variables and then collapses the variables down into a collapsed graph and then duplicates this collapsed graph the variables in the second graph will be gr ...

Navigation System leaks memory when dynamic navmesh is used

UE - AI - Nov 5, 2015

I was able to repro it locally with any project configured for runtime navmesh generation. Loading an empty and navigation-populated maps in turns results in constant increase in navigation memory c ...

UIpNetDriver::ProcesRemoteFunction warnings appear for ShooterGame clients when switching weapons

UE - Networking - Nov 5, 2015

The following warnings appear in the output log for ShooterGame clients when switching weapons. [2015.11.05-19.41.11:550][253]LogNet:Warning: UIpNetDriver::ProcesRemoteFunction: No owning connectio ...

Literal value (in UEdGraphPin) for Asset ID shouldn't be stored as UObject*

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 5, 2015

https://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/267251/proper-way-to-reference-level-asset.html [Link Removed] https://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/294464/set-nodes-in-bp-for-asset-class-ids-may-hard-ref ...

MAC: Drop Down Menus Continuously Flicker (In Certain Conditions)

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Nov 4, 2015

Shown in the Behaviour Tree Graph, if the Dropdown menu's length exceeds the Behavior Tree Graph window, the menu will try to offset it's position in order to display all information and will flicke ...