Compile failure packaging for iOSUATHelper: Packaging (iOS): UnrealBuildTool: D:\Build\joseph.wysosky_QuickSwitch\Engine\Plugins\Online\IOS\OnlineSubsystemIOS\Source\Private\OnlineStoreIOS.cpp(123 ...
Ensure occurs when trying to submit to source control after enabling a plugin in the editor. I wasn't able to reproduce this if the uproject wasn't checked out. ...
When a user tries to add a skeletal mesh component to a blueprint with a niagara system to use the skeletal mesh with that niagara system, the niagara system will stop rendering because it does not ...
This is a not a regression. Tested in UE5(Binary), UE4(Binary), and UE5 Main(P4). Procedural Meshes have the option for CPDs listed in their details panel under Rendering > Advanced >Custom Primit ...
There are a number of missing texture assets which are failing to be read when the editor opens. This is causing a warning to be thrown each time the editor opens, potentially causing CI/CD tests (i ...
If a static library that is included with a UE4 project is changed, the new version of the library is not used when the project is built again. Instead, the original cached version of the library is ...
Perforce integration creates bad changelist when deleting or renaming a file, then renaming another into its place ...
Switching over to GPUCompute with Skeletal mesh surface sampling will crash in Vulkan. This does not occur with CPU sims or in D3D. When testing with D3D I would get the same Niagara compile warning ...
This is a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.0 CL20979098 Behavior Tree appears to tick nodes to the right of an aborted node that is set to abort Both. Those nodes are not executed, but visuall ...
UObjectProperty properties within a UActorComponent class aren't exposed for editing in the Details panel when choosing to edit native component defaults in the BP editor. ...