Attempting to open a map in content browser that is currently loaded in world composition browser crashes editor

Tools - May 12, 2015

Attempting to open a map through the content browser will crash the editor if that map is opened as a sublevel or the currently opened map through the world composition browser. Frequency: 2/2 Cr ...

Creating a new project from vault does not save the default location

Tools - May 12, 2015

When creating a new project from the vault, for example: Content Examples, each time it tries to save on the C:\My Documents\Unreal Projects instead of D:\Unreal Projects, even though that folder is ...

Lansdcape grass generation fails on Mac running OSX 10.10.1

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 12, 2015

Grass map heights all appear to be 0 when generating grass on a Mac running 10.10. This bug does not occur on Macs running OSX 10.9.5 Putting a breakpoint in LandscapeGrass.cpp line 476 you can se ...

Using Scene Capture 2D with a movable Skylight will cause a crash

UE - Graphics Features - May 11, 2015

When placing a Scene Capture 2D with an assigned Render Target Texture and using a movable Skylight the editor will crash. [Link Removed] ...

Importing skeletal meshes with uniform scale >1 causes rotation in skeletal mesh editor to improperly register

OLD - Anim - May 11, 2015

If a skeletal mesh is imported with a uniform scale of >1, the rotation feature in Persona will not rotate bones at the proper ratio. The meshes rotation will slow down as the uniform scale increase ...

The 'No' action when using the 'Move to Here' Content Browser Folder Option Still Loads Assets

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - May 11, 2015

When attempting to move a folder within the content browser to a different folder, a dialog screen appear to confirm the action. If you press the 'No' option, the assets will still completely load a ...

Erractic Light Component Behavior in Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 11, 2015

You cannot PIE if you attempt to adjust the Intensity of a Light via the slider in a BP that is placed in the Level already. In addition the color slider does not stay open when editing values for ...

Game sounds only play during first PIE editor session for Linux project

UE - Platform - Linux - May 11, 2015

Games sounds will play as appropriate during first PIE session but subsequent PIE sessions have no sound until editor is closed / reopened. ...

Crash copying all nodes in level blueprint of Audio.umap in ContentExamples

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 11, 2015

Crash attempting to copy all of the nodes in the Audio map of the ContentExamples project. Crashreporter: (link to specific crash) [Link Removed] (link to bugg) [Link Removed] Ensure condition fa ...

Deleting static mesh that is used by foliage tool in content browser then selecting foliage window crashes editor

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - May 11, 2015

If a static mesh is being used by the foliage tool and then deleted in the content browser, the foliage tool will retain a copy of the object and crash the editor if the foliage window is selected a ...