Changes in Scale are not replicated on the Client through RPCs

UE - Networking - Apr 27, 2015

Changes in Scale are not replicated on the Client through RPCs. Location and Rotation are replicated as expected. Reproduced in 4.7.6 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2522625) ...

Destructible Mesh spawned before static mesh with World or Asset support is not supported

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Apr 27, 2015

When using World Support or Asset Defined Support on a Destructible mesh that is spawned in, if the static world geometry is spawned in after the DM it will not be supported. However, if the static ...

Montage linkable elements lose segment links when changing dependant anim sequences without loading the montage.

OLD - Anim - Apr 27, 2015

If an animation has its length changed, either by changing its play rate or reimporting with a different length - elements in any unloaded montages will end up misplaced. Workaround: Load the monta ...

NavLinkProx's link direction issues

UE - AI - Apr 25, 2015

NavLinkProxy does not react to changes to LinkDirection in the editor. it also seems that link direciton setup doesn't get applied even when link's update is forces by moving NavLinkProxy actor. ...

Custom Fonts do not show up properly in HTML5

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 24, 2015

Custom UMG fonts do not show up correctly when launching to HTML5 from a packaged project. The fonts show up correctly for Windows packaged projects. ...

Mouse Not Functioning Correctly with Multiple Displays Connected to Mac

UE - Platform - Apple - Apr 24, 2015

When using mutliple monitors connected to a Mac the mouse behavior does not function well. Attempting to navigate and drag windows to and from individual displays proves difficult. The user reporti ...

Editor crashes if reopened and a row is selected after moving datatablerow editor window in a csv data table

Tools - Apr 24, 2015

If a user moves the row editor window in a csv datatable, then saves, closes, and reopens the editor, the editor will crash if the user then attempts to select a datatable row in the csv datatable w ...

Issue with Finish Transaction after an app has crashed.

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 24, 2015

Opening Gameplay Debugger while in PIE removes print string output from screen in subsequent PIE modes

UE - AI - Apr 23, 2015

If a user opens gameplay debugger ( ' pressed while in PIE), all print string outputs to screen disappear, and will no longer appear during any PIE session until editor is closed and re-opened. Wo ...

Viewports aren't updated (black/garbage) when resizing the editor windows

Tools - Apr 23, 2015

Found on Linux but Windows seems to have the same problems. When you are dragging/resizing the window, viewports stop updating and/or show garbage. See ...