Packaging failed! toast does not replace the previous toast. Users are able to click the Dismiss button for the most recent toast, but not for any others. The Show Output Log link works on all acti ...
Materials displayed in the material editor do not appear the same as on Windows platform. Edges of the material sphere appear jagged and flicker on Linux rather than being a crisp circular line (se ...
When attaching actors via the world outliner, there is an issue occurring using the visibility option, actors attached via the world outliner do not follow the visibility of what they are attached t ...
The Spinbox Widget cannot be edited if the Player's focus is lost. I have tried using different keyboard letter inputs in the Blueprints and have gotten the same results. ...
When tapping on a button with a touch monitor, it is registered as two inputs. There was an issue on win7 where touch inputs were counted as touches and clicks. This seems to be the same issue on wi ...
App appears to crash when adding more than 4 splash screens when using Gear VR. ...
When deploying project to a mobile device, the quality of the baked lighting and shadows becomes very poor compared to "Mobile Preview." Lightmaps appear dirty and blurry, with splotches (As shown i ...
There appears to be an issue with how raycasts are performed within PxScene. When performing the trace, only the collision response for the first ECollisionChannel seems to be considered. If all col ...
Materials on deleted children are applied to the camera when inside of an actor blueprint. This issue does not appear to be a regression. Versions Tested: Issue occurs in all versions Tested 4.16.3 ...
There is an issue occurring where Event dispatcher with inputs doesn't compile if they have a variable that is the same as the BP class. This issue only occurs with the variable being the same class ...