This is a common crash that has affected more than 170 users since at least 4.15 and occurring into 4.17. Based on one user description and frequent project names, this appears to commonly correla ...
Renaming Parent component to the same name as a component in the child blueprint causes a crash from child blueprint when you press enter. When you reopen the project from the crash, the child bluep ...
Not a regression occurs on 4.16 ...
Copy/pasting a child and non-child component in IWCE will not preserve the individual attachment hierarchies of the components. It'll be based on whichever was last selected. If the child was last ...
When the user duplicates (using Ctrl+W) two components that are attached, their attachment hierarchy isn't preserved. This occurs in both the blueprint SCSEditor and in IWCE. ...
There's no device profile for iPadPro 10.5". It picks up other rendering settings properly from the iPadPro family. ...
There's no device profile to set MobileContentScaleFactor for iPadPro 10.5". It picks up other rendering settings properly from the iPadPro family, but this doesn't set MobileContentScaleFactor. T ...
Event Possessed fires twice even if unpossessed is not called ...
When using the new node " Create Asset (Interface Call)" there is a crash that is occurring that could possibly be due to the fact that no factory node is being set. The crash also occurs with the o ...
REGRESSION: Yes, does not occur in 4.16.3 Ensure occurs in in-world component editing, when the user selects and copies a component and its child at the same time. This doesn't occur if these comp ...