Material billboards cannot be scaled

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 17, 2016

Material billboards cannot be scaled. The Material billboard appears to be unaffected by setting its scale ...

Radial Impulse does not affect objects unless it can affect both center of mass and collision if center of mass is outside of collision

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 17, 2016

Firing a radial impulse does not affect an object whose center of mass is located outside of its' collision unless both the center and the collision are simultaneously affected by the same force. ...

Noticeable Difference In Temporal AA Sharpness From 4.12 To 4.13

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 17, 2016

There seems to be a noticeable difference with the temporal AA sharpness in 4.13. This was confirmed by setting Temporal Sample count and sharpness with the same settings in a 4.12 project. A side b ...

Blocking Volume Not Displaying Properly in Player Collision Mode

Tools - Oct 17, 2016

The licensee has stated that convex mesh generation is failing in KAggregateGeom.cpp from the function KConvexElem::HullFromPlanes. Here is the code snippet they provided: if(!Polygon.Split(-FVecto ...

csgRebuild builds dynamic brushes from the whole world, instead of just the current level

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Oct 17, 2016

Licensee notes issue with csgRebuild and proposes a reasonable fix. ...

Translation Retargetting is messed up when using Remove Unused Bones from Skeleton

OLD - Anim - Oct 14, 2016

Translation Retargetting is messed up when using Remove Unused Bones from Skeleton ...

Grainy Material on Gun in FPS Template

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 14, 2016

Load up a FPS template and move around. It appears the gun becomes grainy. This was tested on an NVIDIA Geforce GTX 980 Version 373.06 and a Quadro M4000. Also tested on a AMD Radeon R9 290 @ Rade ...

Packaging a project in the binary Engine fails if the Skookum Script plugin is enabled.

Trying to package a project using the binary Engine with the Skookum Script enabled results in the package failing. ...

Crash debugging blueprints in a networked game session

Tools - Oct 14, 2016

Crash occurs when debugging blueprints when in a networked editor session. ...

Drag/drop variable into a category with a CamelCase name causes a duplicate category to appear in drop down

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 14, 2016

If a category exists in a blueprint with it's name in "CamelCase" without a space, dragging a variable in the My Blueprint tab into this category causes the Category dropdown in Details tab to produ ...