Import FBX Camera with 90 degree rotation

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 15, 2016

The FBX Import into Sequencer currently assumes that the camera has a rotation axis of 0, -90, 0. This assumption shouldn't be there. For example, currently this works: 1) From Sequencer, export a ...

FBX Transform does not scale skeletal mesh with multiple pieces properly using the Import Uniform Scale option

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Aug 15, 2016

Importing a skeletal mesh fbx from blender and setting the Import Uniform Scale option for the mesh to a higher value, like 100, results in only one of the meshes being scaled while the other is lef ...

LOD's pop in after LOD actors is visible in viewport.

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Aug 15, 2016

REGRESSION: YesWORKING: 3039270 (4.12.5)BROKEN: 3087200 After Generating Proxy Meshes, the meshes in the LOD Actor will still change LODs when it is visible in the level. ...

Lighting channels are not supported with tiled lighting

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 15, 2016

Reported via UDN ...

VRTemplate: Easy to clip through walls in HMD Locomotion map

Docs - Samples - Aug 15, 2016

When teleporting in the HMD Locomotion map, the player is able to teleport halfway through walls and objects. The teleport circle does not have a "Buffer" to prevent it from going into the BSP's aro ...

Motion Blur creates dark artifacts on bottom of screen in editor

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 15, 2016

When motion blur is active and the view port is in motion there will be a dark artifact visible at the bottom of the screen. Normally this isn't very noticeable however the effect worsens with speed ...

Editor Crashes When Reparenting a Trigger Sphere to a Trigger Capsule

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 15, 2016

Reparenting a blueprint derived from Trigger Sphere to Trigger Capsule will cause the editor to crash. This is a regression. This did not occur in 4.11.2. Source Context: 163 164 ...

Memory leak when importing assets

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Aug 15, 2016

When importing assets, memory usage climbs but is never freed. ...

Buggy gets stuck on medium speed bumps in Vehicle Advance template

Docs - Samples - Aug 14, 2016

The buggy seems to almost hit a wall when it first drives into the bump and loses momentum. It is possible to wiggle the buggy off the bump by turning the wheels and alternating forward and reverse ...

Text overflows on Material_Properties sample 1.6

Docs - Samples - Aug 13, 2016

In ContentExamples on sample 1.6 of the Material_Properties map, the text overflows the area given for it. ...