"Set Anim Instance Class" broken after using "Play Animation" node

OLD - Anim - Jul 17, 2015

After using a "Play Animation", the user cannot set the character back to using an AnimBP via the "Set Anim Instance Class" node. Workaround: Use two "Set Anim Instance Class" nodes. One to set i ...

InitializeDefaults missing from some particle modules

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 16, 2015

As stated in the linked UDN ticket, these particle modules are missing their InitializeDefaults code: ParticleModuleMeshRotation ParticleModuleMeshRotationRate ParticleModuleMeshRotationRateMultipl ...

Default Value elements in a variable array inside a Game Instance Blueprint collapses after anything is entered

Tools - Jul 16, 2015

Default Value elements in a variable array inside a Game Instance Blueprint collapses after anything is entered. This does not occur in other Blueprint classes. Additional actions that will collaps ...

A Child PlayerCharacter BP in this project resets its assigned Anim BP to 'None' on restarting the project

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 16, 2015

A Child PlayerCharacter BP in this project resets its assigned Anim BP to 'None' on restarting the project. The user reports that the Skeletal Mesh will also occasionally reset to None. I have not b ...

ChildActor Component with physics spawns at the wrong location

UE - Gameplay - Jul 16, 2015

ChildActor Component spawns at the wrong location as long as the actor that the ChildActor is referencing has the StaticMesh set as the root and simulating physics. User Description: Basically I h ...

Child actors cannot be recognized as children of parent actor within parent blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 16, 2015

Parent blueprints do not recognize child class actors as the same type as the initial parent blueprint. This makes it difficult to create a master blueprint for spawning/ai control/etc. ...

FString.Mid doesn't react appropriately when given negative values for the Count variable

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 16, 2015

If you use a 5 character string (hello) to call the Mid function and provide 0 for start, -1 for count, it'll give you the entire string. This should either return an assert or treat all negatives a ...

iOS pinch only detects command once

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 16, 2015

The pinch command only triggers once on iOS devices. ...

Duplicating a blackboard node within a behavior tree will cause a crash

UE - AI - Jul 16, 2015

When using the shortcut Crtl+W to copy a blackboard node within a behavior tree the editor will crash ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FNetGUIDCache::GetObjectFromNetGUID() [packagemapclient.cpp:1876]

UE - Networking - Jul 16, 2015

I loaded up a two player game in the 'play in editor'. Upon clicking into the client, the game crashed. Clicking into the server did not cause it to crash.I'm pretty sure this happened because I check ...