[Audio Import] - Cue Points are stripped on import on 24-bit wave files

UE - Audio - Jul 12, 2022

When importing wav files with a higher bit depth than 16, any cue points on the file are stripped.  ...

Play Sound 2D Blueprint Start Time doesn't work

UE - Audio - May 5, 2022

Setting the Play Sound 2D start time after 0.0 will not apply when a input event is triggered, The sound will always play at the start.  This does not occur in 4.27 ...

[Source Effect Chain][Blueprint] -Add Source Effect To Preset Chain Has No Effect

UE - Audio - May 4, 2022

Add Sound Effect to Preset Chain has no effect on the Source Effect Chain. [Link Removed] ...

[Attenuation][Air Absorption] - When the listener moves across the min-distance transition point, the HPF pops

UE - Audio - Apr 21, 2022

A pop can be heard when crossing the Air Absorption distance range while using an HPF. From Slack: "I tracked it down to specifically the HPF – it's when the filter turns on, it jumps instantly to ...

[Sound Cue][Blueprint API] - Setting a parameter value a second times does not work

UE - Audio - Apr 9, 2022

Setting a parameter on a Sound Cue from Blueprints more than once is not working. The first time a parameter is set works, but any following sets are ignored. This is a regression and does not occu ...

[Stall] AudioMixerSourceManager::FlushCommandQueue when opening editor for asset

UE - Audio - Apr 7, 2022

Live issue. Stall occurring for some users in the 5.0 Release. Currently hit 577 times by 500 users as of 2022-04-29 No specific project occurring on ...

[Synth][Tone Generator] - Editor crashes when Starting Synth Component Tone Generator

UE - Audio - Mar 29, 2022

Starting a SynthComponentToneGenerator crashes the editor with the following assert:Assertion failed: bSuccess [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\SignalProcessing\Private\AudioBufferDis ...

MaxChannels (Voices) is printed incorrectly to the Output Log on new projects

UE - Audio - Mar 16, 2022

The Max Channels (voices) setting displays in the output log as 0 on new projects. Likely a result of [Link Removed]. Issue is in display only (there are 32 voices), but should ideally report the de ...

[Mac, Linux] - Sample Rate changes from imported sample rate after playing preview for imported audio asset.

UE - Audio - Mar 16, 2022

Sample Rate changes from imported sample rate after playing preview for imported audio asset. Tested this on Windows and it did NOT occur there. Repro Rate: 3/3 Tested this in //UE4/Release-4.27 @ ...

[Device Swap] - Ensure when connecting a controller or USB audio device while audio is playing in PIE

UE - Audio - Mar 11, 2022

Ensure when swapping to a newly connected USB audio device.  {no format} Ensure condition failed: Cache.Contains(DeviceIdName) [\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\AudioMixerXAudio2\P ...