Granular Synth Component does not generate sound on non-Force Inline assets

UE - Audio - Mar 7, 2022

Granular Synth Component is not generating a sound as it previously did. ...

[Audio Analysis][Ensure] - Sound Submix Spectral Analyzer Delegate Throws Ensure when Analysis Started Before the Delegate is Added

UE - Audio - Nov 25, 2021

Hit the following Ensure when trying to use the Spectrum Analyser. Also hit this in 4.26 so it doesn't appear to be a regression. Occurs with any of the following Band Settings or when creating you ...

Audio Capture Component Crash on Android

UE - Audio - Oct 15, 2021

Android is experiencing a delayed crash after an Audio Capture Component is destroyed. This appears to be a potential problem with the way Android's implementation of Audio Capture Component closes ...

UVOIPTalker component attached to character has incorrect position on listen server

UE - Audio - Oct 7, 2021

On a listen server, any voice chat sound that should be routed through a UVOIPTalker component doesn't appear to do so. The sound is audible regardless of where the host's player is located in relat ...

Inaccurate Panning on Tap Delay Submix

UE - Audio - Oct 5, 2021

The panning in the Tap Delay Submix Effect does not always match its assigned Pan in Degrees value. Specifically, the left and right side appear to be reversed on Stereo setups. In addition, in 5.1 ...

Paused Sounds Do Not Have their Channel Map Updated Properly on Device Swap

UE - Audio - Sep 2, 2021

Swapping between output devices with different channel counts can cause sound corruption for sounds that were paused during the device swap call. More info can be found in the linked UDN, along with ...

[Reverb Effect] - Deactivate Reverb Effect Blueprint Doesn't Deactivate Reverb

UE - Audio - Aug 11, 2021

When deactivating a reverb, it's removed from the Activated List, but doesn't get removed from being the active reverb. Confirmed occurs in 4.27 and 5.0 ...

[CrashReport]UE4Editor-AudioMixerXAudio2!Audio::FMixerPlatformXAudio2::OpenAudioStream(Audio::FAudioMixerOpenStreamParams const &) [AudioMixerPlatformXAudio2.cpp:951]

UE - Audio - Jul 15, 2021

This issue is occurring on startup for users. This could be potentially related to a recent Windows Update. ...

Audio Capture Component Crashes When Unplugging Mic/Headset

UE - Audio - Jun 9, 2021

Audio Capture Component does not appear to be handling external device swaps appropriately, and has a delayed crash that will occur if an in-use mic is unplugged. At a glance, it appears to involve ...

[Reverb][Regression] - The Reverb Effect in World Settings Does Not Update When Loading New Levels

UE - Audio - Mar 12, 2021

When loading a new level via the Open Level node in Blueprints, the World Settings do not update the Applied Reverb Effect. When trying to reproduce the issue in 4.25.4, issue did not occur (the r ...