PlaybackPercent on the OnAudioPlaybackPercent event does not account for Start Offset from the Play or FadeIn node. Reported and tested in version 4.25.3 (CL-13942748) and version 4.24.3 (CL-115903 ...
Voice chat does not work when speaking into the microphone with a normal voice and a Mic Threshold of 0. We have to blow into the microphone or speak loudly for voice chat to work. ...
Messages are not received around 1 minute into playing when using OSC blueprint plugin. Test Project: [Link Removed] User workaround: ...
Using Granular Synth with Stream Cache enabled, Granular Synth will stay silent since it cannot load the sound with Stream Caching turned on. This was reported and tested in 4.25 (CL-13144385). Thi ...
Sound Waves are not able to be soloed in a new project or unsoloed in an existing one from a prior version. This was reported and tested in 4.24.3 (CL-11590370). This was reproduced in 4.25 (CL-131 ...
Unable to reproduce. User believes it is directly related to the speaker they are using when it goes into standby mode. If they unplug the speaker, everything runs okay. After receiving the warning ...
TimeSynth 96KHz music clips only play for a split second and then stop. 48KHz files play correctly however 96KHz 16-bit and 24-bit files do not This was reported and tested in 4.25 (CL-13144385) an ...
TimeSynth Counts Beats: 1,2,3,0 Link to project files: ...
The SoundWave in the Content folder of the attached Project has been exported from Nuendo @ 120BPM 4/4, with a duration of exactly 1 Bar. The BP_Audio Actor uses the TimeSynthComponent to provide sa ...
The Finish Recording Output node from the Audio Mixer BP Library crashes due to an invalid Path input. This is a regression from 4.23.1 (CL-9631420). This was reported and tested in 4.24.3 (CL-115 ...