Jittering appears when setting DOF in ES3.1

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 5, 2021

For reference, it was fine in 4.24 In particular, jittering is severe when the camera is moving. GaussianHalfRes has been removed in CL 14036168, which is likely to cause degradation issues if int ...

iPhonePackager code signature not supported by iOS 15

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 27, 2021

UI Textures should stream

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 17, 2021

Will help mitigate memory consumption on certain UI elements. ...

Play Dynamic Force Feedback does not work on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 16, 2021

When trying to trigger vibration through the Play Dynamic Force Feedback node, nothing happens on Android. I tested this on Windows as well with an Xbox Series X controller connected, and the vibrat ...

Mobile Joysticks snap to edge upon any input

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 9, 2021

When dragging the mobile joysticks in any direction, the snap to the edges regardless of how much the user inputs in said direction. This occurs with both the left and right joystick. This also occu ...

Android Vulkan SM5 crash at startup

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 6, 2021

Sqlite plugin crash on iOS

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 26, 2021

Android API 30 LaunchURL Not Working

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 22, 2021

The LaunchURL blueprint node is not functioning when using non-default browsers in API level 30 on Android Devices. Another licensee reports that the default browser may not be relevant, as any brow ...

When Mobile Deferred Shading, the DBuffer Decal is affected by metallic value

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 22, 2021

Use Deferred Shading (r.Mobile.ShadingPath=1) Enable DBuffer Decal All Lights’s mobility is Static Decal Material settings : Material Domain - Deferred DecalBlend Mode - TranslucentDecal Blend Mo ...