Add Runtime Candidate Image does not produce a valid ARCandidate image on Android

UE - Platform - XR - May 3, 2019

Add Runtime Candidate image does not appear to create an AR Candidate image when being used on Android. ...

Crash with Assertion failed shortly after launching packaged First Person CPP project on Oculus Mobile - Referencing SparseArray.h:86/87

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 30, 2019

The following assertion throws after the project crashes when playing on the device: Assertion failed: Index < GetMaxIndex() [File:D:/P4Workspaces/Switch_3/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Contai ...

Assess visual lag of the new UV access nodes for pass through camera materials on AR platforms

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 23, 2019

When testing [Link Removed], there seemed to be some visual lag in the passthrough nodes, when compared to the camera feed.  Was not able to test due to [Link Removed] (which is really just a differ ...

[Feature Request] Support latest version of OpenVR for SteamVR

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 23, 2019

Increase the version of OpenVR we support to the latest version ...

VR Splash screen delta rotation does not appear to update

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 19, 2019

When using the node Add Loading Splash Screen the delta rotation does not appear to update/rotate the texture that is applied as the tool tip appears to suggest ("(in)" Incremental rotation, that is ...

Motion controller components created in c++ do not appear to update their location

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 17, 2019

The motion controller component does not appear to update it's location if was created in a C++ project. regression: This appears to work as expected in the 4.21 release of the engine ...

ARKit - ARKitCameraMaterial crash

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 12, 2019

Spawning an object with ARKitCameraMaterial will now crash the app. Tested with 2nd Gen iPad Pro (A1701) Verified in 4.23 MAIN @ CL 5806859 (Needed to install from IPA) ...

CustomDepth rendering incorrectly with Instanced Stereo

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 9, 2019

Screen position node in 4.22 no longer works as expected. Confirmed in 4.23 Main @ CL 5806859 ...

Custom Stencil renders incorrectly with instance stereo enabled

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 8, 2019

When using instance stereo with custom stencils, they do not render as expected. It appears to render the stencil in one eye at a time (as the user's head is turned). Regression: Yes This was work ...

improved Android virtual keyboard does not display when Google VR plugin is enabled

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 1, 2019

improved Android virtual keyboard does not display when Google VR plugin is enabled. When both the improved android virtual keyboard and the Google VR plugin is used, the virtual keyboard no longer ...