Set Haptics By Value node does not consistently trigger successive haptic feedback effects on Oculus Touch

UE - Platform - XR - Jul 16, 2016

Relatively consistently (3/5), after one haptic effect plays, pressing the button to call another won't trigger another haptic effect. Seems to be tied to Set Haptics by Value, Play Haptic Effect d ...

Multiplayer VR Preview Support Broken

UE - Platform - XR - Jul 11, 2016

The VR Preview used to work with multiple clients but now only works with the first client. This makes testing multiplayer features difficult or impossible as there is no way to change which client ...

With Accurate Velocities from Vertex Deformation and Instanced Stereo enabled anti-aliasing does not affect the right eye

UE - Platform - XR - Jul 8, 2016

KevinR: Make sure you are using Temporal AA (TXAA), and I was using SteamVR/Vive With Accurate Velocities from Vertex Deformation and Instanced Stereo enabled anti-aliasing does not affect the righ ...

Motion controllers do not appear to be tracked by sequencer

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 30, 2016

Motion controllers do not appear to be tracked by sequencer when recording Note: there is already a recording in the project from a previous test Project link: [Link Removed] ...

If "Disable low latency update" is set to false for vive controllers a line trace appears to lag behind

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 29, 2016

If "Disable low latency update" is set to false for vive controllers a line trace appears to lag behind the mesh of the vive controller. This makes it so that the line trace appears to bound and lag ...

HUD materials in VR appear off centered (more towards the top left)

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 28, 2016

If the user uses a draw material simple in the HUD blueprint and then boots up VR the material appears to be offset. In this case the material is supposed to be fullscreen. However, it only covers a ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_OculusRift!FHeadMountedDisplay::GetCurrentHMDPose()

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 28, 2016

This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Error message: Assertion failed: IsInGameThread() [Link Removed] [Line: 1047] Source Context ...

HMD Mirror Mode causes vive to have black preview screen

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 23, 2016

[NickW] SteamVR uses HMD Mirror, but this should fail more gracefully Not sure if this is supported for vive, but it puts the user in a state where they can't undo the command (or change back to a ...

Google VR plugins prevent building for iOS in Binary builds

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 16, 2016

Packaging for iOS fails in Binary builds if the Google VR plugins are enabled. This does not occur in source builds. ...

3D Widgets do not render correctly for GearVR

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 15, 2016

3D widgets attached to the camera render incorrectly when compared to the oculus rift. When the Widget is centered to the camera and attached to it in the Character BP the widget will render incorre ...