Ensure setting cloth skeletal mesh Wind Setting to Accurate

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Apr 6, 2017

Ensure occurs when setting Wind Method to Accurate in the skeletal mesh editor. There's a similar ensure when you PIE after doing this. This can be bugged separately if needed: [Link Removed] ...

[CrashReport] Crash can occur when applying Apex cloth to a Material slot

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Mar 21, 2017

No known crash with users I had been in contact with on the latest PhysX plugin for 3dxMax or Maya. I've had a few posts dealing with using Apex and assigning cloth assets with no crashing so I feel ...

Editor Crashes When Cloth Asset Is Applied To Material With Support Compute Skincache Enabled

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Feb 24, 2017

After enabling Support Compute Skincache if you attempt to apply a cloth asset to a material in the skeletal mesh editor the engine will crash. This may seem similar to [Link Removed] but I confir ...

Errors when compiling editor on Mac

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Feb 6, 2017

The following error appears multiple times when compiling the editor on Mac:Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "NvClothDestroyFactory(nv::cloth::Factory*)", referenced from: FC ...

Crash when Dragging Skeletal Mesh with Apex Clothing into Level

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 25, 2017

A crash occurs when you add/drag a skeletal mesh with Apex clothing into the scene. The user reporting the issue managed to find where the crash occurs and added a comment for assistance where to lo ...

Inconsistent behavior with Owen's trench coat

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 25, 2017

In the Cloth level in Content Examples, there is some inconsistent behavior with Owen's trench coat. The coat tails appear heavy (they don't trail behind the character's movement), and the straps a ...

Cloth meshes in Content Examples spinning incorrectly.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 25, 2017

In the Cloth level in Content Examples, the cloth meshes at display 1.6 (Self Collision) are spinning and are being lifted into the air. This isn't consistent with the same assets in //UE4/Main. ...

Cloth environment collisions with APEX clothing is not thread safe.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 17, 2017

This looks like a thread safety bug that's been in the clothing system for a very long time. Essentially a skeletal mesh component does a transform update and attempts to update the collisions of a ...

"Clothing" options do not appear after importing an apx made with the 3.4 plugin

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 13, 2017

"Clothing" options do not appear after importing an apx made with the 3.4 plugin Regression: Sort of. 4.14 now uses the 3.4 version of PhysX and this only appears to happen with apx files exporte ...

Skeletal Meshes with cloth disappear when at the edge of the viewport

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 10, 2017

Skeletal meshes with cloth will disappear at the edge of the viewport. If timed right (hard to repro, you can see it flicker repeatedly. ...