Handle fracturing a destructible mesh when the source mesh has been deleted without a crash.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jul 13, 2015

When attempting to fracture a destructible where the source static mesh has been deleted we get a crash in APEX. APEX can't seem to find any root leaf nodes to begin fracturing upon. This does not ...

Destructible meshes hang after first bounce

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jul 9, 2015

Destructible meshes that bounce lose their momentum, causing them to hang awkwardly midair (see attached video). The issue does not appear to occur for low framerates, and would only repro during sc ...

Crash when applying force on event tick to DM

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jun 19, 2015

When using a DM and applying force via blueprints with event tick will cause a crash. Workaround: Using a timer instead will not cause any crash even with very low values. Crashreporter: [Link Re ...

Traces to Spawned Destructible Mesh Actors returning inconsistent results

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jun 18, 2015

When spawning an Actor containing a Destructible Mesh and immediately doing a sphere trace to that actor, upon repeated spawns you will get False results for some time then True results for a while ...

Line trace fails to detect Destructible Mesh

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jun 15, 2015

When using a line trace in the construction script so that objects can return a value destructible meshes will not return a hit. This does not affect use in game with PIE or Standalone game, but if ...

Set Material for a DM in the Construction script will result in a crash

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jun 3, 2015

Setting a material in a BP construction script after setting a DM will result in a crash. This will render the BP inaccessible once the project reloads. Opening the BP will result in an instant cras ...

Destructible Mesh spawned before static mesh with World or Asset support is not supported

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Apr 27, 2015

When using World Support or Asset Defined Support on a Destructible mesh that is spawned in, if the static world geometry is spawned in after the DM it will not be supported. However, if the static ...

Simulate Physics with Destructible that is using World Support can't be enabled after it's been hit.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Apr 22, 2015

When using a Destructible with World Support set simulate physics can be enabled so long as the DM has not been hit yet. Once it's been hit it no long is able to be set to simulate. ...

Physics Thruster has no effect on destruction mesh

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Apr 13, 2015

Physics Thruster actor does not affect destruction meshes that it is attached to. ...

Destructible Meshes will flicker in a Packaged Game

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Apr 9, 2015

Destructible chunks will flicker after the DM has been fractured. These chunks will flicker until they are in a sleep state. Using Sensitive Sleep Family will allow this to stay prolonged. Waking th ...