If a project from UE 4.27 or earlier has a blueprint with a reroute node dangling (no outgoing connection) from a Custom Event Node's delegate pin (red), this blueprint will crash when loaded in UE ...
User reported that upon removing a pin from a Sequence node the editor crashed. This only happened once, so may be a multithreading race condition or there may be additional unknown factors. The cra ...
For some ultrawide monitors, UE may not correctly fetch the native resolution. GetMonitorSizeFromEDID attempts to retrieve native resolution from the Detailed Timing Descriptor of the EDID, but thes ...
When rendering with MRQ on Linux (only), there is a lot of statfs log spam that appears repeatedly during the render: LogCore: Warning: Unable to statfs('/render_output_path.{ext}'): errno=2 (No ...
If you add/enable nDisplay as a plugin it should default to ON in the Project Plugins Settings, while Cluster Replication should remain off by default. ...
When adding startup movies to Lyra, the movie playback flickers and an ensure conditions fails with the message: Ensure condition failed: bSuccess [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\M ...
A user has reported a failing ensure in FMRSWRecursiveAccessDetector::AcquireWriteAccess(), a race condition that has a small chance of happening when launching the editor. FLiveCodingModule::Start ...
Originates from UDN [Link Removed] ...
ResavePackagesCommandlet -fixupredirects fails to fixup pointers from external actors that are pointing to objectredirectors. It fails to fixup those pointers because we specifically skip loading of ...