When using a touch screen laptop, it is very difficult to drag off the exec of nodes. I was able to drag off of a node 2 times after trying around 25 times. I was using a ComPat touch Screen laptop ...
If a post process volume is set to use a material shader, reducing the screen percentage while in VR Preview will shift the coordinates left/right. ...
Editor crashes if user attempts to open a data table that only has one data type after closing and reopening editor Frequency: 2/2 Crash Reporter: Not currently available ...
When importing destrucitble APB asset files from PhysX Labs there is no visible shadow cast for these meshes. The same is not true for a destructible created in UE4. These are using the default sett ...
Crash Report: [Link Removed] ...
On the C++ side, in PostSpawnInitialize(), FinishSpawning() is called with the scale value taken from the root component as default. By contrast, SpawnActorFromClass nodes require a transform value ...
When changing the Texture in a Material Instance made from a Material with Parameters found in a Material Function, Visual Studio throws a breakpoint. I was able to continue past the breakpoint (3 ...
Using the Get Walkable Slope Override node in a Blueprint results in an unclear error message when trying to compile the Blueprint. ERROR MESSAGE: The direction of Return Value doesn't match the ...
When changing a property on a large number of textures via the Property Matrix, memory usage can spike to over 26G. Tested in Main (Promotable-CL-2423505) Probably related to [Link Removed] ...
Adding a component to a subclass after the component was declared in the parent class results in the component not being editable if a Blueprint had already been created using the subclass. This onl ...