Execution reroute nodes become wildcard reroute nodes when creating a second reroute node off the same execution pin

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 21, 2015

Execution reroute nodes become wildcard reroute nodes when creating a second reroute node off the same execution pin. Note: this does not appear to affect their functionality as execution reroute no ...

Light Shaft Occlusion causes exponential height fog to render incorrectly in stereoscopic

UE - Platform - XR - May 26, 2016

Enabling Light Shaft Occlusion causes exponential height fog to render incorrectly at certain viewing angles in stereoscopic. This does not reproduce once light shaft occlusion is turned off on the ...

Cannot Add Torque to Skeletal Mesh

UE - Gameplay - Jan 15, 2016

When attempting to apply torque to a ragdolled skeletal mesh, nothing happens, regardless of the value used. Applying an impulse works as expected, but adding torque seems to have no effect. Found ...

Modules with Emitter Life functioning incorrectly

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 7, 2016

Setting the Emitter Time module with an emitter that is not set to loop will result in an incorrect render of the particles past the emitter duration. Emitter Duration set to 3 seconds:[Image Remov ...

Attempting to build MinidumpDiagnostics with Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 results in failure

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 7, 2016

When attempting to build the Minidump Diagnostics project from the UE4 source, it will fail if you're using Visual Studio 2015 Update 2. Please note that this does not occur in the base VS2015 or wi ...

Struct in Object class will not populate if an expose on spawn struct pin is split on "Construct Object from Class" node

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 29, 2016

Struct in Object class will not populate if struct pin split on "Construct Object from Class" node. This does not appear to happen to other variable types. Workaround Do not split the struct pin, ...

Map load stalls in texture streaming code

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 13, 2017

A change was made to AActor.GetComponents which appends the results instead of resetting the output array. This seems to only impact 2 places in the code, and has a big side effect in the texture st ...

Cannot undo moving a mesh via Pilot

Tools - Jan 2, 2018

There is an issue where the undo does not affect movement made by piloting an object in a level. This issue does not appear to be a regression. Versions Tested: This issue occurs in all versions te ...

When Both AnimMontage and AnimationTrack are Playing, the Blending Results are Different from Expectation

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Dec 11, 2018

When Slot animation by AnimMontage and AnimationTrack is done at the same time, the blend result differs from expectation. Probably because if AnimMontage's loop playback by EventTrack is executed, ...

BuildGraph builds some tools for Win32 even if Win32 is excluded from the build

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Jan 16, 2019

When creating a local binary build of the Engine using the BuildGraph, there are several tools that are built for Win32 even if Win32 was specifically excluded from the BuildGraph (ie. -set:WithWin3 ...