Rifles are offset in Display 1.15 when opening Content Examples Animation map

UE - Gameplay - Oct 28, 2016

REGRESSION: YesWORKING: 3172292 (4.13.2)BROKEN: 3177600 (4.14) In the Content Examples Animation level, at Display 1.15, the rifles are offset from the character's hands for two of the skeletal mes ...

Scale does not return to 1 after teleporting in the VR editor

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Apr 21, 2017

The scale for the VR editor does not return to 1:1 after teleporting as stated in the documentation. The scale remains the same after teleportation. Docs link: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest ...

Missing Oculus 1.6 Support

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 3, 2016

Add the 1.6 integration to 4.13 for release. ...

'Can Jump' functions differently in 4.13

UE - Gameplay - Sep 2, 2016

'Can Jump' functions differently in 4.13 User Description: "Can Jump" doesn't update in an appropriate manner in 4.13. In 4.12 it would return true while grounded, false while in the air, and the ...

Nav Modifier Volumes continue to affect navigation when the sublevel is removed

UE - AI - Oct 13, 2016

Nav mesh is still affected by a nav modifier volume when added to a sublevel and then the sub level is removed. Topdown character will not move into the space affected by Nav Modifier volume so not ...

Crash when setting console command for shadow max resolution to 1

UE - Graphics Features - May 29, 2015

When setting the console command r.shadow.MaxResolution to a value of 1 will cause a crash. CrashReporter: [Link Removed] ...

Updating to 4.13 from 4.12 Causes Particle System Orientation to Break When Cooked

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 16, 2016

When updating a particle system with the mesh data type to 4.13 its orientation will change after being cooked. This issue will not appear with PIE, or Stand alone you must Launch from editor. A 4.1 ...

Particle Systems Don't Play In Reopened Levels With ES 3.1 Enabled

UE - Niagara - Jan 27, 2020

Particle systems placed in levels don't play as expected on level load when using ES 3.1 Preview. Found in 4.24.1 CL#10757647 Reproduced in 4.25 Main CL#11115840 ...

Translating sockets in Persona is not affected by Snap Options

OLD - Anim - Dec 14, 2016

In Persona, moving a socket around is not affected by any changes to snapping (scale or size). Rotation is affected however. ...

'Greater/Lesser Than or Equal To' nodes do not work consistently with values lower than 1

UE - Gameplay - Jun 8, 2015

'Greater/Lesser Than or Equal To' nodes do not work consistently with values lower than 1 Note: The issue isn't present with whole numbers (ex: 10 decremented by 1) ...