Local Variable loses value after reference moves file location

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 23, 2017

Local Variable loses value after reference moves file locations. This does not just affect construction scripts, following these steps with a function instead produced the same result. This issue do ...

Initial overlaps aren't populated by BeginPlay

UE - Gameplay - Dec 18, 2019

Get overlapping components/actors is not fully populated with initial overlaps by BeginPlay in 4.24, like they were in 4.23 ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Kismet!FBlueprintGlobalOptionsDetails::CanDeprecateBlueprint() [blueprintdetailscustomization.cpp:5127]

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jul 19, 2017

This is a common crash affecting users in 4.15 and 4.16, affecting over 200 unique users so far. User Descriptionsattempt to import bp from example Source Context 5124 { 5125 // I ...

StopAtCurrentTime Node Sets Playback Position To 0.f In Level Sequence Actors

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 20, 2020

Level Sequence actors have their current playback time to 0.f when using the StopAtCurrentTimeNode. In MovieSceneSequencePlayer.cpp line 288 TimeToResetTo is set to 0.f. Attached is a 4.24 example ...

Crash editing Transition Logic after deleting State and Transition in State Machine

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Sep 8, 2020

Attempting to click on a node in a Transition Logic that has been opened in a new tab will cause a crash when the correlating State node and it's transition have been deleted from the State Machine. ...

Creating a new C++ Synth Component results in a failed compile linker error.

UE - Audio - Dec 19, 2019

Upon creating a new Synth Component C++ Class in Unreal 4.24, the compiler will fail to compile with a Linker error. ...

GenerateVisibileRayTracingMeshCommands Severely Reduces Foliage Performance Even if no RayTracing is Used

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Sep 18, 2019

GenerateVisibileRayTracingMeshCommands Severely Reduces Foliage Performance Even if no RayTracing is Used. Found in 4.23 CL# 8386587 and 4.24 CL# 8748719 ...

Texture asset only exportable as .COPY and .T3D

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Dec 13, 2019

Export for certain marketplace asset limited to .COPY and .T3D (and .BMP in 4.24) I was unable to reproduce this with a texture that I created even with Grayscale / sRGB disabled. ...

Difference in Shader Complexity view mode between Static Mesh and Painted Foliage Actors after Enabling 'Dbuffer Decals' in Project Settings

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 19, 2016

The 'Shader Complexity' view mode is rendering differently between regular Static Meshes and Painted Foliage instances after enabling 'DBuffer Decals' The user is reporting that this does not seem ...

Sequencer Export to FBX file framerate is always 30fps, regardless of playback rate in Sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 24, 2020

This issue can cause problems for developers who are operating at framerates that aren't 30fps (eg 24).  In Sequencer: [Link Removed] In Maya: [Link Removed] ...