VOIP Steam recieved audio will be affected by any Audio FX the player is standing in when receiving the audio.

UE - Audio - Sep 16, 2016

If the player is standing in an area that adjusted audio, VOIP audio will also be affected. ...

Unlit view is affected by Exposure Compensation when enabled by post process volume

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 7, 2018

Unlit view is affected by Exposure Compensation when enabled by post process volume. This will also carry across the other debug views.  Working as expected in 4.18 CL# 3832480 Found in  4.19 CL# ...

Crash when applying Radial force to a BSP when Radial force is set to affect World static

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 10, 2019

If a radial force component applies force to a BSP the editor will crash. The radial force will need to be set to affect world static objects. ...

Point lights affect indirect lighting on RTGI much less than other types of lights

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Aug 4, 2020

Only point lights affect indirect lighting on RTGI much less than other types of lights.[Link Removed] Indirect lighting of baked lightmaps look much stronger than RTGI.[Link Removed] Apparently, ...

With Accurate Velocities from Vertex Deformation and Instanced Stereo enabled anti-aliasing does not affect the right eye

UE - Platform - XR - Jul 8, 2016

KevinR: Make sure you are using Temporal AA (TXAA), and I was using SteamVR/Vive With Accurate Velocities from Vertex Deformation and Instanced Stereo enabled anti-aliasing does not affect the righ ...

Crouch node does not appear to have any affect when called

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Jan 3, 2017

Crouch node does not appear to have any affect when called. The Is Crouching always returns false ...

Steering Curve property does not affect steering

UE - Gameplay - Jul 21, 2015

Setting the Steering Curve of a vehicle movement component has no affect on the turning of the vehicle during play. ...

Sequencer renders events affecting UMG twice

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 1, 2016

Sequencer renders events affecting UMG twice ...

Transition Screen Size does not affect LODActors

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Nov 18, 2016

Transition Screen Size doesn't seem to affect when LODActors are added to the level. This was occurring before Dev-Framework's merge into Main at CL 3198987. ...

Deactivating a shot section from scripting does not affect evaluation

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 23, 2021

Disabling a shot from scripting will not affect evaluation of the sequence.  ...