Cooked materials and material instances size have doubled when upgrading from 5.1.0 to 5.2.0

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jul 18, 2023

UDN: [Link Removed] A UDN customer has observed that their cooked materials have doubled in asset size going from 5.1 to 5.2. We need to investigate this is only a local issue on their side and no ...

StopAtCurrentTime Node Sets Playback Position To 0.f In Level Sequence Actors

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 20, 2020

Level Sequence actors have their current playback time to 0.f when using the StopAtCurrentTimeNode. In MovieSceneSequencePlayer.cpp line 288 TimeToResetTo is set to 0.f. Attached is a 4.24 example ...

Procedural Sound Wave Fails to Play when returning 0 bytes in GeneratePCMData callback

UE - Audio - Aug 2, 2016

Returning 0 bytes in GeneratePCMData results in the procedural sound wave not continuing to play audio. Instead of returning 0, we need to return an empty buffer if the procedural sound wave doesn't ...

VOIP Steam recieved audio will be affected by any Audio FX the player is standing in when receiving the audio.

UE - Audio - Sep 16, 2016

If the player is standing in an area that adjusted audio, VOIP audio will also be affected. ...

Unlit view is affected by Exposure Compensation when enabled by post process volume

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 7, 2018

Unlit view is affected by Exposure Compensation when enabled by post process volume. This will also carry across the other debug views.  Working as expected in 4.18 CL# 3832480 Found in  4.19 CL# ...

Child component will lose scale information if parent scale is set to 0 temporarily

UE - Gameplay - May 9, 2019

Datasmith Scene actor that is a Child will be unlinked from scale changes if parent scale is set to 0 ...

UV Coordinates and Gradients are behaving unexpectedly when run 1-0 (White on Top, Black on Bottom)

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 30, 2015

When multiplying a Gradient running from White on Top to Black on Bottom (1-0) by a Texture Coordinate, there are unexpected results rendered which is not seen when multiplying the Coordinate by a B ...

Incorrect level sequence playback in replay with sequence start time != 0

UE - Networking - Jan 16, 2020

"Our dynamic duplicate in-memory replays broke when an artist put an ULevelSequencePlayer in one of the dynamic source level levels. The UMovieSceneSequencePlayer base class has PostNetReceive call ...

Anim with rate scale other than 1.0 will not loop correctly in Sequencer when using an Anim Blueprint

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 13, 2019

Animations are looped incorrectly when using an animation blueprint and a rate scale other than 1.0 in Sequencer. ...

Crash when applying Radial force to a BSP when Radial force is set to affect World static

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 10, 2019

If a radial force component applies force to a BSP the editor will crash. The radial force will need to be set to affect world static objects. ...