Duplicating a stationary light and assigning one of them to Use Area Shadows for Stationary Light turns the others off after build

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 6, 2015

If you have duplicated a light a few times, and set one of those to Use Area Shadows for stationary Light, and then build the other two lights turn off. ...

Gear VR renders first frame non-stereo

UE - Platform - XR - Oct 1, 2015

When launching Gear VR game on Android the first frame will render as Non-Stereo before flashing to be in stereo mode. This was not happening when tested with a 4.8 project. Tested in MAIN on CL-2 ...

Sounds Triggered on Android playback 3 times in quick Succession

UE - Audio - Oct 1, 2015

Users are reporting that when playing sounds in projects deployed to their Android Devices, the playback is triggered three times in quick succession. There are known work arounds to this issue, li ...

DrawMaterial() Function not Rendering Transparency when using Dynamic Material Instances

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 1, 2015

When using a Dynamic Material Instance feeding into a Draw Material in a HUD Blueprint Class, Translucent Materials will not render. This looks to be a special instance case of [Link Removed]. ...

Edit-> Project Settings -> Collision -> Presets Has No Scroll Bar

Tools - Sep 30, 2015

If you open a project and immediately go to Edit-> Project Settings -> Collision and expand the Presets dropdown, no scroll bar will appear. This prevents you from being able to see all of the optio ...

Importing multiple SpeedTree assets that use the same texture will not assign correctly

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 25, 2015

When importing multiple SpeedTree assets that use the same material will cause one to import blank (black) materials and assigned. This happens when importing into the same folder, however, if impor ...

Pressing f11 while playing in editor new window fullscreens the viewport in the editor

Tools - Sep 25, 2015

Pressing F11 (in attempts to fullscreen) while playing in editor - new window causes the viewport in the editor itself to full screen as opposed to the new window that's created. expectation is 1 o ...

Derived Data Cache is included but not used in Kite Demo

UE - Foundation - Core - Sep 23, 2015

We include an 8 GB DDC with Kite Demo, but the entire DDC is recalculated on project launch instead of using the included DDC. There is no information included in the DefaultEngine.ini file to refe ...

SetActorLocation does not affect WheeledVehicles

UE - Simulation - Physics - Sep 21, 2015

When using SetActorPosition() on a WheeledVehicle, it does not affect it in any way. This worked previously in 4.8. This has also been tested in main CL# 2698791 This may be related with: https:// ...

Initial Modules are clamped to a 0 to 1 time range

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 18, 2015

The Initial Modules appear to be clamped to a zero to 1 time frame since 4.8 was released. Projects that are converted from 4.7.6 will have correctly working particle systems, but adding a new part ...