Nested comments are not parsed correctly by UHT when a second UClass is declared

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealHeaderTool - Mar 14, 2016

Using nested comments when also declaring a second UClass in the same header file causes the UHT to have issues when parsing, resulting in a crash of UHT. ...

ExponentialHeightFog is not rendering through VR

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 14, 2016

ExponentialHeightFog does not render for Gear VR devices when both the device and project are set for Gear VR. However, the fog does appear on a project without Gear VR enabled. Occurs On: GalaxyS6 ...

Output log is spammed with messages from Physics engine unnecessarily

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 11, 2016

In a project where WITH_RUNTIME_PHYSICS_COOKING is used and creates a procedural collision component, the logs are spammed with messages about the spawned components requiring runtime physics cookin ...

Grouping of multi-part Skeletal Mesh LODs causes only one part to import

Tools - Mar 11, 2016

When setting up Skeletal Mesh LODs, groups within an LOD Group in Maya are now accepted on import as of 4.12. However, it only brings in one mesh from the group. See attached image and fbx ...

FIntVector has some code that refers to it being two dimensonal

UE - Gameplay - Mar 10, 2016

There is code in the FIntVector class (IntVector.h) that seems to be copied from the FIntRect class which is a problem since FIntRect is two dimensonal while FIntVector is three dimensional. The one ...

Crash when importing FBX file a second time after an error is given

Tools - Mar 10, 2016

Editor crashes when trying to import a FBX a second time after the FBX failed to import the first time. An image of the error attached below. ...

Vertex Paint on Static Mesh Component in BP is lost on Packaged and Standalone Game

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 10, 2016

BP Static Mesh Components are not retaining the vertex color applied to them in a level when you play in Standalone or Package a Project. You will get the correct results however when you PIE. Thi ...

Mouse Position Lags behind Cursor in Editor if Framerate Drops

Tools - Mar 9, 2016

Mouse position lags behind cursor in editor if framerate drops. This can be especially problematic for individuals who quickly select assets as the mouse position may lag behind the cursor location ...

Using a custom #define as the condition for a UFUNCTION's declaration will cause the function to not show in blueprints

Using a custom #define as the coniditon for an #if / #endif that encapsulates a UFUNCTION that is marked as BlueprintCallable will prevent it from being visible in blueprints despite the #if resolvi ...

Static Mesh Component Scale Displays Incorrect Values on Static Meshes as Scene Roots

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 8, 2016

Static mesh components incorrectly display scale information through the Detail's Pane and Blueprint editor window until simulation is pressed. This occurs if the static mesh component is moved to t ...