Ribbon Emitters Do Not Properly Kill Trails On Source Loss

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 18, 2016

"Dead Trail on source lost" doesn't seem to work consistently. This is apparent when the source emitter's duration is longer than the particles being emitted. This bug also occurs if there is vary ...

Crack Free Displacement is Flattening Displacement on Landscapes

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Nov 18, 2016

If a user enables 'Crack Free Displacement' when using tessellation on landscapes, the displacement becomes flattened. This does not occur on regular static meshes, and seems to be tied only to land ...

Crash when closing the editor during Play if a web browser widget is in use

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 17, 2016

Crash when closing the editor during Play if a web browser widget is in use. A web browser was added to the screen during Play in Editor. After this the editor is close via the [X] in the upper righ ...

Attenuation Overrides Reset for Spatialize on Sound Cues after Upgrading to Newer Engine Version

UE - Audio - Nov 17, 2016

A user on the AnswerHub has reported that a number of his sounds have had their Attenuation Override settings reset, more specifically the 'Spatialize' setting. I ran a few tests and discovered tha ...

Packaged projects on Windows and Mac are not opening as windowed fullscreen

Tools - Nov 16, 2016

When you package a project on Windows or Mac, the project is then opened in windowed mode instead of windowed fullscreen. Regression: Works in 4.12.5-3039270 Does not work in 4.13.2-3172292 Does no ...

iphone7+ Does Not Get Correct Device Profile Selected

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 16, 2016

When launching to iphone7+ the incorrect device profile will be used for device profile settings. ...

'Use Translucency Vertex Fog' does not work on Metal

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 15, 2016

'Use Translucency Vertex Fog' does not work on Metal despite the following release notes: According to 4.13 Releases Notes:[Link Removed] "New: Shader Model 5 Rendering for Mac Mac Metal now has i ...

.mp4 videos are not playing on certain mobile devices

Media Framework - Nov 14, 2016

When launching a project with a video in it on an Android or iOS device, it either will work or it will not work. I believe this is due to the OS version of the device, but it may be related to the ...

Particle Event Receiver Spawn Ignores Emitter Being Disabled At Runtime

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 14, 2016

The particle module "Event Receiver Spawn" seems to ignore whether the emitter containing it changes from either disabled to enabled or vice a versa at run time. I also noticed that disabling the ...

Widget Interaction component cannot be moved while the game is paused

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 14, 2016

Widget Interaction component cannot be moved while the game is paused. The widget interaction component stops following the mouse when the game is paused (when source is set to mouse) ...