Packaging for tvOS in Distribution fails to find valid provision

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 8, 2016

I was unable to test this due to not having provisions available to test on for tvOS distribution. However, we have reports of the following error: "PackagingResults:Error: Error Provision not foun ...

Editor will crash when trying to change the parent class of a component that is part of a Blueprint Hierarchy

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 8, 2016

Changing the inherited parent class of a component that is part of a blueprint hierarchy will cause the editor to crash and prevent the project from opening even if the inherited parent is changed b ...

Resolution Scale Information Returns Different Values In Standalone

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 7, 2016

When getting the resolution scale information from the game user settings the values will change depending if you are in PIR or standalone. This issue will also return different values if you run t ...

Cannot save blueprint using custom blueprint function library after a hot reload

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 7, 2016

When a blueprint contains a function call from a custom blueprint function library, preforming a hot reload will prevent the blueprint from saving stating that the graph is linked to private object ...

Textures Won't Update If Source Path Is Different From Dropped In File

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Dec 6, 2016

When importing an asset (in this case a texture) that already exists in the content folder with another texture that is in a different location than the source file, the texture will not overwrite t ...

Scaling a SceneCapture2D from Default Scale will cause Decals to Disappear in the Render Target

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 6, 2016

When scaling a SceneCapture2D actor/component any decals there were being rendered within the Render Target disappear. I also noticed that when the SceneCapture2d is set to orthographic, the scale ...

Thumbnails get Duplicated with Large Number of Static Meshes in Foliage Paint Mode

Tools - Dec 6, 2016

When there are a large number of static meshes within the Foliage paint mode, some of the mesh thumbnails are duplicated and do not accurately reflect the correct static mesh to paint as foliage. T ...

Particle emitter follows camera on certain Android devices

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 5, 2016

When running a launched or packaged version on an Android device, if there is a particle emitter, it follows the camera looking up or down. If you have more than 1 particle emitter, it seems to corr ...

Editor Menus don't update on Mac to currently selected Tab.

UE - Platform - Apple - Dec 2, 2016

Under certain conditions, when switching between the project tab and subsequent docked blueprint tabs, the appropriate menu will not refresh for the currently selected tab. Regression: No ...

Brush Clip Affects Surrounding Geometry Beyond the Geometry It Is Applied To

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Dec 2, 2016

Brush Clip affects the surrounding geometry beyond the geometry it is applied to. (*See attached image for clarification) Regression: No ...