Procedural mesh loses collision when the "Add Procedural Mesh Component" node is copy&pasted (BodySetup is marked Instanced)

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 15, 2017

Procedural mesh loses collision when the "Add Procedural Mesh Component" node is copy&pasted. In this example the generated box appears to lose collision once an "Add procedural mesh component" node ...

Specular Highlight Much Stonger/Larger In Forward Shading

UE - Graphics Features - May 15, 2017

In forward shading specular highlights appear to be much larger for very smooth materials in contrast to the deferred shader. In 4.14.3 the specular highlights were displaying correctly in forward s ...

Landscapes do not Render when used with Lighting Scenarios on Mobile

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 15, 2017

Landscapes disappear using Lighting Scenarios when deployed to a mobile device. When playing in the editor using the mobile previewer, everything looks as expected. It only occurs when deployed to ...

Construct Object node can not set ExposedOnSpawn delegate

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 12, 2017

When ExposeOnSpawn is set as a meta specifier for a delegate property, binding the delegate to a function using the Construct Object node does not successfully bind the function. Workaround: Bindin ...

Crash when updating phsyics simulated box extent during runtime

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 12, 2017

If a Box Collision component is set to simulate physics, calling "Set Box Extent" causes the editor to crash. Workaround: Setting Collision Enabled for the box component to "Physics Only" or "Query ...

Build fails if a project contains a struct with a name in all caps

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealHeaderTool - May 11, 2017

Using all caps for the name of a struct defined in code that includes a constructor will cause the build of the project to fail in Visual Studio. The error that is given suggests that a semi-colon i ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UBlendSpaceBase::UpdatePreviewBasePose() [blendspacebase.cpp:1220]

OLD - Anim - May 11, 2017

This crash has been logged due to high frequency among our users. I have tested in 4.15.2 based on the user comments below, but have been unable to reproduce this issue. In my attempts the Blendspa ...

Some Textures don't cook deterministically in QAGame

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - May 11, 2017

Some textures don't cook deterministically in QAGame, and are thus always included in patches. Potentially related to [Link Removed], unsure if that texture compression is used for these assets. T ...

Sequencer asset in QAGame doesn't cook deterministically

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - May 11, 2017

A Level Sequence in QAGame doesn't cook deterministically, and is always included in patches. Possibly related to [Link Removed] ...

Maps in QAGame don't cook Deterministically

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - May 11, 2017

Some maps in QAGame don't cook deterministically, so are always included in patches. ...