Animation Blueprint Editor Crashes on Compile if the Debug Instance Selection is Other Than No Object or Preview Instance

OLD - Anim - Jan 15, 2018

-Crash occurs when debug is set, and anim Blueprint is compiled while actor blueprint is selected -When reopening project, imported assets are no longer there -Reopening project after crash, the opt ...

When Instanced Stereo is on, instanced static mesh components with multiple material channels will only render in one eye

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 15, 2018

When instanced stereo is enabled instanced static mesh components with multiple material channels will only render in the right eye ...

Audio components played at the same time appear to desync over time on Android

UE - Audio - Jan 12, 2018

When playing the audio form multiple audio component at the same time, the audio appears to become desynced over time. ...

Transform pins change on function duplication (Pins become pass by reference )

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 12, 2018

The input transform pins for the node "Compose Transforms" become pass by reference pins when provided in a function that is duplicated. ...

When using 'Is Hidden Ed' it behaves similar to 'Is Hidden Ed at Startup'

UE - Gameplay - Jan 11, 2018

The tool tip for 'Is Hidden Ed' states "Returns true if the actor is hidden in the editor viewports" but it only actually flags true if "Hide Selected at Startup" is selected for the actor. Therefor ...

Breakpoint triggered in Visual Studio after running "{,,UE4Editor-Core}::PrintScriptCallstack()" command

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 10, 2018

Running the command {,,UE4Editor-Core}::PrintScriptCallstack() in the Immediate Window in Visual Studio while debugging is paused in Visual Studio will result in a breakpoint being hit when the ...

Oculus CheckIfPointWithinPlayArea function returns incorrect results

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 10, 2018

Oculus CheckIfPointWithinPlayArea function returns incorrect results, always reporting true whether or not the hand is inside the play area or not.  The distance and closest point also seem incorrec ...

Landscape cooking takes as much as 6 times longer in 4.18

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jan 10, 2018

Some developers are finding that the change to add a bunch of shader types to FLandscapeMaterialResource::GetExcludedShaderTypes() in 4.18.2 increased their project cooking times on PC or console by ...

Skeletal mesh collision skewed on mirrored meshes

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 9, 2018

[Link Removed] Collision on mirrored skeletal mesh does not match mesh. (has same position, but different orientation) Also occurs on latest (3827667) Also tested and occurring with Skeletal Mesh ...

When deleting a Struct Variable and undoing it, it removes all rows from related Datatables

UE - Gameplay - Jan 8, 2018

When undoing variables in a Structure it clears the referenced Datatable of all its rows. However deleting and just adding a new variable works fine. Repeated undos have the chance to add back the ...