Actor Attached On Begin Play Offset on Client When Using SnapToTarget

UE - Networking - Mar 27, 2017

When attaching an Actor during its BeginPlay, using SnapToTarget (when that location is not already matched up to the parent) creates an offset on the client. ...

Network profiler tool doesn't handle names with underscores gracefully.

UE - Networking - Mar 24, 2017

The NetworkProfiler and UI tool assume that ActorNames are in the format <ClassName>_<ActorName>, and is not robust against underscores in either the class name or the actor name. However, given th ...

Post increment operator is not overridden for data structure iteration

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 21, 2017

Attempting to use a post increment operator in a TMap or TSet iterator will fail to compile with error shown in callstack field. This is due to the post-increment operator not being overridden in M ...

Packaging a DLC Plugin Fails with "Couldn't Update Resources" Error

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Mar 14, 2017

Attempting to package a plugin as DLC is failing with the following error message: Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception: System.Exception: Couldn't update resource However ...

Convert To Static Mesh Does Not Keep Scale

Tools - Mar 13, 2017

After scaling a skeletal(or static) mesh up and converting to a static mesh the resulting asset will retain the original size of the mesh before it was scaled up. If you have more than one asset s ...

EditCondition specific does not prevent values from being changed.

Tools - Mar 9, 2017

1) Using the Meta specifier EditCondition will gray out the property box so that it cannot be clicked, but using tab from another property box will place the cursor inside the grayed out box. 2) V ...

Warning spam on opening a level that contains actors with a childActor component

UE - Gameplay - Mar 9, 2017

When opening a level that contains actors with a childActor component, "LogSpawn:Warning: UWorld::DestroyActor: World has no context!" warning will be displayed for each actor. ...

Google VR causes app to close on splash screen for shipping builds on iOS

UE - Platform - XR - Feb 23, 2017

[NickW] This is because the app needs permissions for the camera in the plist when deploying on iOS. ------------------ Google VR appears to crash on a shipping build when installing onto an iOS d ...

Raw Input device not registered after startup

UE - Gameplay - Input - Feb 22, 2017

If a raw input device is connected to the computer after starting the editor/packaged game, the device is not registered and input is not received unless the editor/game is closed and then restarted ...

Cannot assign default values for UserWidget variable in blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Feb 21, 2017

Cannot assign default values for UserWidget variable. This limits their usability in blueprint classes, and really prevents them from being useful in UserStructs, particularly if that user struct is ...