FLightMap2D::Serialize() contains a possible index out of range error.

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 30, 2014

A user pointed out a potential to have an index out of range error in the source code. There are also a few magic numbers scattered around in this function. ...

Trying to set a variable in one element of an array of custom UObjects will set that variable for all elements in the array.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 29, 2014

If an array of custom UObjects is added to a class, changing the value of a UPROPERTY variable in one element of the array sets the same value in all elements of the array. ...

The mouse is restricted to the window bounds after Resuming from the Menu in the Blueprint_HUD level of Content Examples

Docs - Samples - Dec 29, 2014

After Resuming from the Menu in the Blueprint_HUD level of Content Examples, looking around with the mouse is restricted to the window bounds. Clicking inside the viewport resolves the issue. ...

Trigger volumes do not detect overlap events

UE - Gameplay - Dec 24, 2014

Trigger volumes do not detect overlap events. Tested in //depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2394966 ...

When creating a widget in the Character blueprint it is duplicated twice for each player in a multiplayer project

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 24, 2014

When adding the widget inside the character blueprint it causes the widget to be created twice for each player (2 player makes 4 copies of the widget). ...

Sprites using a lit material render black in orthographic views

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 23, 2014

Sprites using a lit material render black in Orthographic views. Sprites are rendered as expected in Perspective view. ...

Flipbook components' collision in Characters is ignored

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Dec 23, 2014

Flipbook components' collision in Characters is ignored. ...

Mesh Particle Collision does not occur when placed in Destructible Meshes

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Dec 23, 2014

Mesh Type Particles with Collision on World Static and Destructibles will not keep collision when placed into the Effects slot of a Destructible Mesh. ...

OnComponentEndOverlap and GetOverlappingActors are not in sync

UE - Gameplay - Dec 23, 2014

GetOverlappingActors will return a value when used immediately after OnComponentEndOverlap. Putting a delay after the OnComponentEndOverlap call will result in GetOverlappingActors to return null, s ...

BlueprintNativeEvents with no return value (void) cannot be overridden in Blueprints.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 22, 2014

BlueprintNativeEvents (and BlueprintImplementableEvents) are not available to be overridden in a Blueprint Graph if they do not return a value. This affects both functions present in source code, as ...