Line Attractor Strength Varies By Frame Rate

UE - Niagara - Aug 20, 2015

The Line Attractor node seems to render differently (have different strengths) between Cascade Viewport, Editor Level Viewport, PIE and Standalone/Launched Game In trying to capture movies for this ...

Setup.bat does not successfully pass the --force parameter to GitDependencies.exe

Running Setup.bat with the optional --force parameter results in an error when GitDependencies.exe is called. ...

Special characters in the Bundle Display Name are not showing up on device

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 20, 2015

Bundle Display Names support UTF-8 characters. However, the iOS tool chain is not handling these correctly. Error when you try to package a project with & in the display bundle name, whether it's b ...

Copying/pasting an element in an array of EditInlineNew objects results in a reference to the original element being created instead of a reference to a new copy of that element.

Tools - Aug 20, 2015

When duplicating an element of an array of EditInlineNew UObjects, a reference to the duplicated element is created instead of creating a new UObject that duplicates the initial element's properties ...

Dynamic point lights generate shader compile errors on HTML5

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 20, 2015

The new ES2 movable point lights look promising. Unfortunately, there seems to be an issue with them in HTML5 builds. They work great in the ES2 preview mode in the editor, but when running in an ac ...

AbilityTask cause ability BP to be dirty upon global function remove event

UE - Gameplay - Aug 19, 2015

Gameplay Ability BP is being set to dirty when function is removed from an unrelated actor Blueprint. Reported by Licensee in 4.8.3 QA Build, Reproduced using Fortnite - CL - 2661312 ...

ServerTravel command doesn't work in PIE using seamless travel

UE - Gameplay - Aug 19, 2015

The "servertravel" command doesn't function when running ShooterGame in Editor. A warning will show up in the Output Log: LogWorld:Warning: UWorld::ServerTravel: Seamless travel currently NOT supp ...

Cannot change inherited variable default values through details panel

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 19, 2015

Child blueprints cannot change the default values of inherited variables. ...

Forward Rendering with Metal is stretched on iOS

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 19, 2015

When you turn off 'Supports Open GLES2' from the iOS settings and package a game with 'Support Forward Rendering with Metal (A7 and up devices)' the textures/materials are stretched across the objec ...

Changing a node to a pure function does not remove breakpoints from node and they must be turned into an impure function again

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 19, 2015

Changing a blueprint node to a pure function while a breakpoint is set on the node will maintain the breakpoint. Additionally, the breakpoint cannot be toggled or removed until the node is turned ba ...