AnimNotifyState with the same class, but different content at the same time will only one be triggred

UE - Anim - Runtime - Oct 26, 2022

UDN Case : ...

UWorld::InternalGetNetMode uses DemoNetDriver, leading to unexpected NetMode being returned

UE - Networking - Oct 25, 2022

UWorld::InternalGetNetMode will use DemoNetDriver->GetNetMode() if there is a DemoNetDriver, resulting in NM_ListenServer being returned when recording a replay. This seems to have been originally a ...

Crash when changing an actor's variable type from vector to transform

UE - Gameplay - LWC - Oct 25, 2022

It looks like this is some fallout from CL 19405683. If we change a variable from vector to transform, it'll pass this check:if(Tag.StructName == NAME_Transform) {     Struct->SerializeTaggedProp ...

Linked Anim Layer node can become stuck in a single state when attempting to change the Layer

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Oct 25, 2022

When swapping Layer settings between various Animation Layers on a Linked Anim Layer node, the node can become stuck in one state. The node will become stuck in the Linked Anim Layer state and canno ...

Python crash the engine at exit.

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 25, 2022

A UDN reported various crashes at exit in the embedded Python library. I was able to repro the issue in Release-5.1 and trace it back at the point where python runs its garbage collection in Py_Fina ...

SignedArchiveReader may request wrong number of chunk blocks

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 25, 2022

This problem is caused by an incorrect calculation of the number of chunks in the read request. Here is the workaround applied by the licensee : int64 FSignedArchiveReader::PrecacheChunks(TArray<F ...

Geometry Collection Cache Mode recording that has shattered on the ground shows that Collection Freeze when switched to Play and simulating again

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 24, 2022

Cache Mode: record seems to simulate fine, in Cache Mode: Play, the object does not simulate fracturing Repro Rate: 5/5 ...

Actors move around between keys in a Sequencer while Zooming in/out of the Timeline if a possessing a Cine Camera in the Sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 24, 2022

This is not a regression. Tested In: //UE5/Release-5.0 CL20979098 Actors move around between keyed points in a Sequencer while Zooming in/out of the Timeline if a Cine Camera is possessed in the S ...

Editor asserts when deleting a morph target from a skeletal mesh

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Asset Build - Oct 24, 2022