Global Distance Field Not Working With World->SetNewWorldOrigin

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Feb 20, 2023

mobile DOF setting is not applied when play on standalone mode

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 20, 2023

In 5.0, the mobile depth of field settings were correctly reflected when running standalone. However, in 5.1, the DOF doesn't appear to be working correctly and the focus is off, causing a blurry im ...

OnComponentHit Event is not triggered when hit by a spawned actor with simulate physics enabled for WheeledVehiclePawn with BoxCollison

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 20, 2023

BoxCollison's OnComponentHit event is not triggered when BoxCollison hits a spawned actor with simulate physics enabled. The event is triggered if the same actor has been placed in the level beforeh ...

Can start PIE in New Editor Window during PIE instance's online login

UE - Networking - Feb 17, 2023

When starting a PIE instance using the "Selected Viewport" play mode, the ability to start another PIE session is blocked (handled in FInternalPlayWorldCommandCallbacks::PlayInViewport_CanExecute). ...

If CustomNearClippingPlane of UCineCameraComponent changed, it will be reflected in normal CameraComponent as well

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 17, 2023

CustomNearClippingPlane of UCineCameraComponent is new property in 5.1, but if use change this, it will also be reflected in the normal CameraComponent's NearClip. This is because the PerspectiveNe ...

TMap does not rehash when the property change if the key is struct

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Feb 17, 2023

If TMap's Key is a unique Struct, TMap's rehash will not run even if elements are added or changed in DetailPanel such as DataAsset. So TMaps's Find etc. will fail This issue is very similar to [Li ...

Loading Duplicated Level via Python API Crashes Editor

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Feb 16, 2023

When called from Python, in 5.1 the load level invocation results in a kernel panic style crash of the editor, with a message about the map leaking memory and not being able to be garbage collected ...

Editor Crash after Compiling Primary DataAsset

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Feb 16, 2023

After compiling a data asset blueprint, attempting to open the parent data asset will crash the editor. From licensee: This is because in FAssetEditorToolkit::InitAssetEditor() the objects in Objec ...