UConsole HistoryBuffer no longer writing to disk in packaged builds

UE - CoreTech - Sep 7, 2023

We started running into issues with the console history not saving after upgrading to 5.2.1. The console history (as in the commands last input into the in-game console) is no longer being saved bet ...

Enhanced Input Axis Actions repeatedly firing the last input value when entering a Common UI menu

UE - Gameplay - Input - Sep 7, 2023

When using an axis mapped input action such as looking around with a gamepad joystick, then opening a Common UI menu, the last input axis value will keep firing irrespective of the current joystick ...

Scene View Extension - Subscribing to Tonemap's afterpass renders black screen

UE - Rendering Architecture - Aug 31, 2023

Callbacks for the Tonemap's afterpass that return identity return black screen unless there is a post-process material. ...

Static Mesh Scene Actor Flipped Normals

UE - Rendering Architecture - Aug 31, 2023

Static meshes can have normals flipped when the actor they are attached to has one component of its scale inverted. ...

Crash when adding foliage instances to unloaded IFA

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Aug 31, 2023

Ran into a crash when trying to programmatically add foliage to a large WP level with some unloaded IFAs.  ...

Transient Subclasses of ABrush default to supporting external packaging

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - OFPA - Aug 29, 2023

ABrush::SupportsExternalPackaging overrides the base implementation of  AActor::SupportsExternalPackaging which returns false for transient actors, but it doesn't call super. As a result, transient ...

Datasmith floods network with UDP traffic in a lab environment

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Exporters - Aug 28, 2023

They've had some luck disabling UDP transport as mentioned in the following articles:https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.2/en-US/udp-messaging-settings-in-the-unreal-engine-project-settings/https://foru ...

[AI] BehaviorTreeEditor crash when swapping from Behavior Tree to Blackboard view.

UE - AI - BehaviorTree - Aug 24, 2023

The first time that a Behavior Tree editor window changes from the tree to the Blackboard can cause a crash if you add and remove a key from the Blackboard via a different Behavior Tree editor windo ...

[AI] ZoneShapeComponent does not allow for setting lane profile per point when it is added to a BP

UE - AI - Aug 21, 2023

Adding a ZoneShapeComponent to an Actor BP does not behave as expected. You cannot use the shape as a polygon with per point lane profiles like what is needed for an intersection. When attempting to ...

[AI] BT cooldown decorator fails on initial startup

UE - AI - BehaviorTree - Aug 18, 2023

BT cooldown decorators are failing on starting a game either via PIE or Standalone regardless of the fact their branches have not yet run. This is true for if the cooldown decorator checks its value ...