Two Sided Foliage doesn't receive VSM shadow with Opacity 0

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 25, 2024

Two-Sided foliage materials with an Opacity of 0 ignore any shadows cast with Virtual Shadowmaps, even in a completely sealed environment. This did not happen in UE 5.1.1 ...

GameplayEffects: Inherited UAssetTags and UTargetTags do not update their referenced tags correctly with inheritance

UE - Gameplay - Jan 25, 2024

When inherited, it is reasonable to expect the tags added by the parent to be reflected in the children. If the parent is editted after the children, however, tags that are added or deleted are not ...

Having two Play Persistent Audio modules in Niagara will only play the first sound

UE - Niagara - Jan 24, 2024

Only one Play Persistent Audio module will work at a time in a Niagara emitter. ...

UMG Animation MPC track cannot preview

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Jan 23, 2024

The reason should be in FMaterialShader::GetParameterCollectionBuffer , Scene is nullptr and cached value GDefaultMaterialParameterCollectionInstances ** doesn't update. ...

Request to ensure all setup parameters have units described in tooltips

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 22, 2024

UDN customer requests that all parameters have units in their tooltips. Need to do a sweep and check what might be missing. This is not a regression, the information will have never been their in t ...

Chaos Clothing CreateClothActor takes a long time with LODs and Self-Collision

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 21, 2024

Spawning an actor with Chaos cloth causes a hitch when LODs or Self-Collision are enabled on the cloth. LODs and Self-Collision seem to compound the issue. Self-Collision requires a collision simul ...

DeterminesOutputType and AutoCreateRefTerm are not compatible

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Jan 19, 2024

The issue is due to the UK2Node_PureAssignmentStatement node that's created during node expansion when AutoCreateRefTerm is used on the target function. In the attached DOTBug image, you can see tha ...

Incorrect Redirector(s) created when renaming a LevelSequence

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 19, 2024

Renaming the LevelSequence also renames the internal DirectorBP. Renaming the BP triggers the rename of its BlueprintGeneratedClass asset. A Redirector will be created for the BGC but it will be in ...

Light components do not appear in the details panel when copy-pasted from a level to a blueprint's component hierarchy

As per the steps to reproduce, copy-pasting light actors from a world outliner into a blueprint's component hierarchy in the blueprint editor will result in the expected light component not to show ...

Fixing Issue in Niagara stack across particle and system stages crashes the editor.

UE - Niagara - Jan 18, 2024

The Update Persistent Audio module has a dependency on a Play Persistent Audio module. When there are two modules in different overview nodes, the automatic fix up can put the Play Persistent Audio ...