Crash when opening or editing a DataTable with a Row Structure that contains a BodyInstance

UE - Simulation - Physics - Editor - Apr 5, 2024

If a DataTable Asset is created with a Row Structure that contains a member variable of type BodyInstance, the Editor will crash when attempting to open it while it has no rows. It will also crash w ...

Editor Crash when changing Default Properties of a TArray of UStucts containing an InlineEditConditionToggle property in Blueprint Parent Class

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Apr 5, 2024

This bug causes an editor crash. This crash occurs when changing the default values of a UStructs properties that are used as EditConditions, when they are set to InlineEditConditionToggle within a ...

Eye Shading Model renders Emissive unexpectedly when using a FloatRGBA scene format

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 5, 2024

This appears to be caused by the colour format. It only occurs when the scene format has an alpha channel. FloatRGB (format 3) doesn’t exhibit these issues. Unfortunately, format 4 is the default fo ...

GI not coming in with lighting build data when lighting built outside of main scene

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 27, 2024

Volumetric Lightmaps are not shared between Persistent maps that have the same sublevels. Also observed in Release-5.4, CL 32500436 ...

Niagara using a Volume and Mesh renderer with a shared base material does not renderer correctly

UE - Niagara - Mar 26, 2024

Using a shared base material with both a Volume and Mesh renderer causes the emitter to render as a glowing box at the scale of the bounding box. ...

Material Layers Ignore Virtual Texture Sampler Restrictions

UE - Rendering Architecture - Mar 25, 2024

Virtual Textures can be assigned to Texture Sample Parameters that are not configured for Virtual Textures, if that parameter is inside of a Material Layer. Also found in Release-5.4, CL 32426910 ...

Subobject Data Subsystem has CanPasteSubobjects decorated with UFUNCTION but PasteSubobjects is not.

UE - Gameplay - Mar 25, 2024

In the Subobject Data Subsystem, CanPasteSubobjects is BlueprintCallable, but the call to PasteSubobjects is not. Given CanCopySubobjects and CopySubobjects are both BlueprintCallable, the ability t ...

Assert triggering when trying to copy-paste an empty CurveAtlasRowParameter node in the material editor

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Mar 25, 2024

A check happens when copy/pasting a Curve Atlas Row Parameter Expression that has no value. This behavior also exists on CL 32426910 of Release-5.4. ...

Crash when createing a Landscape and the DisasterRecoveryClient plugin is enabled. In the editor appears as Recovery Hub.

When DistasterRecoveryClient (in editor called RecoveryHub) plugin is added to the project and the user creates a Landscape, a crash occurs. ...

Crazy camera when zooming in/out the Sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 22, 2024

If you add Static Mesh (cube) in this Level Sequence and click on it in Sequencer, you can observe the Spline Path that the cube is following is changing its shape when keys in Sequencer are zoomed ...