Pasted material function nodes lose their connections

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Dec 3, 2019

The fix for [Link Removed] caused a regression where links to material nodes no longer carry over when a group of nodes is copied and pasted ~ User submitted Image and repro steps appended. I conf ...

Crash adding input pose node to animation State

OLD - Anim - May 26, 2020

Crash occurs when the user adds an Input Pose node to a State graph in an Animation Blueprint. ...

Setting a Niagara Bool parameter during runtime causes ensure and the parameter to not be read properly

UE - Niagara - Jun 22, 2020

Setting a Niagara Bool parameter during runtime causes ensure ...

Delta struct serialized fast arrays replicating new elements with no changelist

UE - Networking - Jun 14, 2021

There is a scenario where delta struct serialized fast arrays can replicate changes that introduce additional elements to the array, but without changelists containing the new data. This needs furt ...

Game Crashes when playing 2nd Startup Movie

Media Framework - Jan 6, 2023

Reproduced 3/3 times, issue does not occur in //UE5/Release-5.0 - CL 20979098 Binary. Confirmed Regression. I've tried enabling the Media Movie Streamer plugin & Electra Player plugins, but Game cr ...

Investigate render flush at SkeletalMeshComponent InitLODInfos

UE - Anim - Rigging - Apr 19, 2023

From UDN : we are spawning a number of characters at the same time during the game, and seeing a major framerate hitch when we do so. After the characters have been spawned, we use SetSkinnedAssetA ...

Crash occurs when opening FP_Walk_Fwd in the First Person Template

UE - Anim - Runtime - Sep 12, 2023

This is a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.2 CL26001984 Opening the FP_Walk_Fwd animation in the first person template results in an assertion. ...

PlayerController isn't tickable during pause while using the 'Set Tickable When Paused' node

UE - Gameplay - Jun 18, 2015

PlayerController isn't tickable during pause while using the 'Set Tickable When Paused' node. User Descriptio ...

Opacity of Translucent Materials in UMG Retainer Box Inconsistent

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jul 14, 2016

Using a translucent material with a 0 opacity does not seem to be working when using a retainer box that is attempting to apply it to the image. When the material is set to additive or masked, it w ...

AI MoveTo Blueprint node will zero velocity on Pawn when called, causing a freeze if the Pawn is already moving

UE - AI - Oct 4, 2016

AI MoveTo Blueprint node will zero velocity, causing a stop when a new destination is set if the Pawn is currently moving. Regression: Yes Worked: 4.12.5 (CL 3039270) Broken: 4.13.1 (CL 3142249) F ...