Increased load times in a packaged project

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 10, 2017

There appear to be longer load times between 4.16 and 4.17/4.18 when opening a packaged project. Possible regression from 4.16 ...

[CrashReport] ispc_texcomp!<Unknown> - while launching to Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 25, 2017

This is an early crash coming out of 4.18 that appears to occur when launching projects onto Android devices. It also seems frequently related to ARCore. User DescriptionsSo this is the example pr ...

Component default data can be lost for a non-nativized Blueprint class that inherits the component from a nativized parent Blueprint class.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 5, 2018

This is a regression that was introduced by the fix for [Link Removed]. The fix makes an invalid assumption that instances of components whose archetypes are inherited by a non-nativized child Blue ...

Project launch options flicker between available and unauthorized/locked

Tools - Aug 20, 2018

Project launch options flicker between available and unauthorized/locked Unsure what causes this, but I have hit the issue twice. Another person has also seen this on their machine. I was able to ...

Actor Component Replication Not Working on Dynamically Spawned Components in Blueprint

UE - Networking - Aug 7, 2018

Actor components that are spawned dynamically through Blueprint are not being properly replicated to the client.  Found in 4.20 CL# 4233996 and reproduced in 4.21 Main CL# 4258917 Unable to test i ...

Crash when hiding DataTable window and saving in DataTable Editor

Tools - Nov 20, 2017

When adding rows to a DataTable that has its DataTable tab hidden or exited out, the Editor will crash when adding a row to the DataTable. This crash happens in 4.17, 4.18, and 4.19. ...

Spinbox displays values that differ from the value of the delta

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 1, 2017

Spinbox displays values that differ from the value of the delta, when values are displayed for a spinbox their value always reads in the 0.000001 values, instead of listening to the delta. Unsure if ...

Arabic Localization has both Arabic and English letters occupy the same space

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Mar 10, 2018

In past Engine Versions, Arabic Localization has not been in the Editor, but now symbols populate, but are split with English words. If Arabic is functioning, they should replace English words, not ...

Alpha blending is done twice when using RenderOpacity of RetainerBox's parent slot

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Feb 10, 2023

Licensee reported that alpha blending is done twice in the code below, and the fix below seems to fix it. .\Engine\Source\Runtime\UMG\Private\Slate\SRetainerWidget.cpp From:const FLinearColor Compu ...

Crash in DX12 UpdateTexture2D

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 24, 2017

RHIUpdateTexture2D uses the wrong size for the per-row memcpy, which means we can't support passing in an offset within a larger image in the SrcData pointer (doing so will result in an access viola ...