Calling Finish Recording Output causes a crash in PIE

UE - Audio - Mar 23, 2020

The Finish Recording Output node from the Audio Mixer BP Library crashes due to an invalid Path input. This is a regression from 4.23.1 (CL-9631420).  This was reported and tested in 4.24.3 (CL-115 ...

UIScaleCurve float-point value in BaseEngine.ini lacks precision

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jun 4, 2020

The screenshots below display 1920x1080pixel widget button. First one with Default DPIScaleCurve shows extra borders on the right and bottom. Next one with more precision shows no extra boundary. [ ...

VFInitRotation(Cascade) always provides the same rotation

UE - Niagara - Jun 30, 2020

This problem caused by incorrect initialization of RandomStream in the GPU particle. //PaticleGpuSimulation.cpp virtual void Init() override { ... check(AllocatedTiles.Num() == TileTimeOfDe ...

BuildPatchTool doesn't finish if enabled building Http Chunk on Mac

Portal - Jan 25, 2021

We may fix this issue by the following codes. FPakPlatformFile::FPakPlatformFile(): LowerLevel(NULL) ,bSigned(false) { // remove //FCoreDelegates::GetRegisterEncryptionKeyMulticas ...

Nvidia Graphics Drivers cause editor menus to flicker and disappear after using the editor for an extended period of time

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 16, 2021

This issue seems to be occurring on a variety of Nvidia cards. So far, I haven't seen any indication that it is affecting AMD graphics cards. The majority of the reports have indicating that the pro ...

Cine Camera Actor drop downs missing from details panel

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - May 28, 2021

The Lens, Color Grading, Global Illumination, Reflections, and Rendering Features  sections in the Cine Camera Actor Details panel are missing their drop down buttons. This issue is occurring in // ...

Setting a float variable to a value that's beyond the maximum value of a float causes the editor to become unresponsive

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Nov 12, 2021

When inputting an extreme large value into a float variable that exceed the maximum value of a float, the engine then becomes unresponsive. I tested this with an integer variable and this did not oc ...

Enhanced Input Axis Actions repeatedly firing the last input value when entering a Common UI menu

UE - Gameplay - Input - Sep 7, 2023

When using an axis mapped input action such as looking around with a gamepad joystick, then opening a Common UI menu, the last input axis value will keep firing irrespective of the current joystick ...

Some debug modes do not work in PIE

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 9, 2024

It looks like the output of the debug pass is ignored, and the final output from the last frame before the pass was enabled is displayed instead. If the pass is modified to return a different textu ...

Scroll Bars for Certain Editor Windows are Reversed when using Trackpad on Mac

UE - Platform - Apple - Mar 25, 2015

Certain scroll bars within the Editor while on a Mac have their directions reversed. i.e. The 'World Outliner', the 'Details' panel within a 'Blueprint.' The suggested workaround I gave to the user ...