Float Curve that is set as a local variable in an actor's function is garbage collected when in Standalone, causing a crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 9, 2016

If a Curve Float local variable is created for a function, it will be garbage collected when garbage collection occurs. This causes the process to crash due to an null pointer error whenever it is r ...

Grabbing a Destructible Mesh Child blueprint with a Phsyics Handle crashes the editor

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jun 20, 2016

Grabbing a Destructible Mesh Child blueprint with a Phsyics Handle crashes the editor during PIE. NOTE: This issue occurs whether or not simulate physics is active on the destructible mesh compone ...

BP using nested child actor components in streaming level causes ensure condition failed

UE - Simulation - Physics - Solver - Jul 11, 2022

This never happens on ue5.0.0 The problem appears to be caused by a deleted PhysicsProxy being registered with Solver. Since the solver accesses the deleted PhysicsProxy, it may crash. Checking a ...

Changing particle system template via Blueprints crashes Editor and packaged game

UE - Niagara - Apr 4, 2019

Setting a ParticleSystem component in a Blueprint to none/null with a "Set Template" node causes the editor and the packaged project to crash. I have noticed this when migrating my game to 4.22, whi ...

Crash when quick binding a function in a class that extends LevelSequenceDirector

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 16, 2020

The purpose was to create a Level Sequence Director inheritance class so that the same event could be reused in multiple sequencers. Attempting to quick-bind this base Level Sequence Director event ...

Editor crashes on compile with no warning when trying to access information from a "Slot as Canvas Slot" node on tick that has not been set yet by begin play

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jul 1, 2015

If a user creates a widget variable that is set on begin play and then tries to get information from that widget via the "Slot as Canvas Slot" node on tick the editor will crash. This appears to hap ...

Crash on applying animation modifier for some assets

OLD - Anim - Oct 29, 2019

When removing curves on some assets, a crash can occur. This seems to be due to const FSmartNameMapping* CurveMapping being null and dereferenced within UAnimationBlueprintLibrary::RetrieveContainer ...

Get VR Focus State will cause a crash in standalone if an HMD device is in use

UE - Platform - XR - Jul 27, 2016

Get VR Focus State will cause a crash in standalone if an HMD device is in use ...

Assertion thrown while deleting a Curve from a Control Rig asset - DetailsViewWrapperObject.cpp: 231

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - Apr 1, 2022

Assertion thrown while deleting a Curve from a Control Rig asset.  ...